Monday, September 24, 2007

The Triple P Continues

Daily To-do list:
1. Go to dentist and learn how to spend money I don't have.
2. Threaten to sue insurance company
3. Drink hot chocolate in attempt to "feel better"
4. Get stomach ache
5. Be reprimanded for being late to meeting because of dentist
6. Feel grouchy all morning.
7. As question in accidentally whiney voice; be reprimanded.
8. Take online survey that demonstrates how out-of-touch with friends you are.
9. Read blogs and feel out of touch with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
10. Feel grumpy because you spent all Saturday rearranging your office and all you got was a lousy reprimand.
11. Have a good cry.

My dentist found another $500 worth of work to be done because of "faulty amalgam fillings." I threatened to sue my dental HMO for only paying for "faulty amalgam fillings" and walked out on my poor dentist. Then I got to work late for a meeting and reprimanded for "cavalier" arrival times (I arrive consistently but I think I get in trouble EVERY TIME I walk in at an unusual time) and then reprimanded again for asking a question!

I'm in a very decent pout over it all.

Truth be told, this starting last Friday and continued until Saturday when I talked to Mrs. Charlie about rescheduling our pre-empted (for her marriage) plans to go to Tijuana. After we spoke, I got this urge to go out on the town. I haven't been "out" since July 2006 and I thought it would be fun. I could visualize getting dressed up, flirting, laughing....and then it hit me.

A whole year of bad news.

{Rant deleted. My apologies to those with RSS feed. It is most definitely not my day.}

I left the mirror to curl back up in my chair with my cat at my feet. I yelled for my niece and nephew to give me a snuggle. I reminded myself that I really only have 1 goal right now: to see 1 thing every day that needs to be done but not being done by anyone else and then do it. I am who I am and part of this year was realizing that I am 10 years too late to make better decisions or change any outcome. All I can do now is try to contribute some small thing to the world. So, I'm going back to school, volunteering, and trying not to drive my sister crazy any more.

And starting tonight, I will write detailed reports of all the new TV shows I try out. Little things like this make me happy....

As for the dentist, well, as I said to him, "Unless my teeth fall out of my mouth, hurt, or explode in gangrene, the most I will be doing is filling a cavity."


Lia said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. All of it.

Visiting the dentist is never fun. Meetings at work are rarely fun. Hot chocolate should be good, though.

Anonymous said...

I had a dentist want to remove all my amalgam fillings because he was afraid they could cause me cancer. I looked him in the eye and told him my grandfather had a mouth full of amalgams at the ripe old age of 98 and he was every day praying it could be over already. Then I kindly never went back.

I wish you well in every way, but especially in finding those little things that make you happy.

(oh, and not that it matters, but just so you know, you're still on my blogroll, but when I updated to your new address an extra http was added in front of it that I'm not smart enough to access and delete. I still manage to find you anyway.)

omar said...

I missed the rant.

It's not too late for me to change career paths and be a dentist, is it? Though I guess I do get the willies thinking about putting my hands in other people's mouths...

Syar said...

That sucks. But I saw you snuck in hot chocolate.

You are who you are, Glo. That's true. But all that stuff about changing outcomes - the decisions weren't worse or later than you needed, the decisions were made at the time they were made and Glo was/is Glo. And Syar is glad.

Feel better. About everything. It's not so bad. You're here, I'm here, what's there to complain about? :-)

Love eternal!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I started a secret blog away from my main blog just so I could whine without people I know in real life reading it. How sad is that?

Howard Jones always says that 'Things Can Only Get Better,' and I believe him. I really do.