Tuesday, September 13, 2005

How I Amuse Myself Between Posts

There are people who can make it through an entire meeting without a single doodle. Not I. I have a ridiculously short attention span and God-given talent for drawing stick figures. It’s time I went public with the art that 3 out of 4 hobos call “almost as good a find in a trash can as a half-eaten McGriddle in original wrapper.”

The following are samples of some personal favorites. Let’s get started, shall we? Right this way through the vestibule to the main gallery.

Art Imitates Life: A still from my brother’s wedding

Title: Proof that my mother has ESP or “Don’t you dare be in a single picture without your shoes on!”

(Text: "Oh no! Where are my shoes?" The Barefoot Religist on a Rudeness Rampage - Take that wedding photographer!)

Life Imitates Art: Scenes from a Flipbook

Title: “What the...?” or Why Nathaniel Hawthorne Never Wrote a Prequel or How I Can Make Myself the Heroine to Save My Self-Esteem

(The following written on the back of the original doodle now transcribed into the virtual realm) Background: Hessie Prynne, a modern girl on the go, encounters a very stressful summer.

Scene 1: Hessie breaks down under too much stress and loses her cool. Oops. She immediately feels awful and apologizes.

Scene 2: Hessie is surprised to discover villagers at her door days later.

(Text: Friendship Fred Dies by Hanging. "I must enter exile as I have been branded with the scarlet letter! Woe is me! It really clashes!)

Hessie: And to think I ever doubted that the affection was mutual. Silly, aren’t I? Now, where can I buy some nice beige clothing to match this thing?…

Art Imitates Art: Cover Art

Title: Write, Story Monkey, Write!

Art Makes Bad Funny

Well, that’s my doodles for this week. I’ll likely show some more because I find it hilarious. I apologize to all real artists for distressing your eyeballs in such a manner.

In conclusion, Mrs. Charlie allowed me to doodle her in recovery. The bird attack did very little lasting damage, and, as you can see for yourself, she’s doing very well.


Syar said...

when I read "I have a ridiculously short attention span and God-given talent for drawing stick figures." I was gonna remind you of the awesome art you gave us from your trip to disneyland. and lookit! you've topped that feat with 6 more wonderful pieces. you're gonna have to rent some space and think of some gallery names now, glo.

btw...are we to note that the lavish red curls of the recurring stick figure is art imitating life i.e your own hair colour?

and good to know mrs charlie is doing well. hope you get out of that wheel chair soon mrs c!

Anonymous said...

wooohooo!! -I had to laugh out loud at that one Glo, thanks! =D You have restored my good cheer! Or somesuch. Reminds me of a rather obscure online comic that I read sometimes, when the author feels lazy, takes a break from the main story and starts using stickfigures...
Mrs. Charlie, I suppose that we COULD have evil year, but most of us would either burn out and/or experience a permanent dark side shift as a result. More importantly, how often would we have it? Like, base it off of the Chinese calendar, maybe? Dunno. Well I'll leave you guys to admire the stick figures, while I myself go back to my pipecleaner figures. *goofy, cross-eyed grin*

Anonymous said...

Uh, before I do that though, I have a question about scene one of the Hessie Prynne series. Basically, there's one caption there that doesn't fit with the general theme, specifically: "No More SADA!" I mean, I can see how all the other things could get Hessie down, but no more SADA being one of the factors? Please don't tell me the poor girl is going through withdrawal!!! Or maybe she's still dealing with the residual stress of the trauma that drove her to that decision? Please, let us know! For the sake of those of us that cannot function until our stick-figure anxieties are addressed! (Yeah yeah, I know I know, get a life. I swear, my shrink ALWAYS says the same blasted thing... what does he know, anyway! *mutter...*)

omar said...

I'm no hobo, but any McGriddle, even a half eaten one, is a good find.

Who's the couple making out?

Mrs. Charlie, glad to see you look so happy, in spite of your disproportionately long left arm.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I feel strangely inspired to develop my doodle skills.
Hang on - I don't have any. Okay, I feel inspired to find some doodle skills, and then develop them. Right. It's good to have a plan.

Excellent doodles.

Also, a very happy belated Blogday.

Sarah Cate said...

I laughed, I cried, I...No. Wait. I just laughed. Really really hard.

Bill C said...

There should be Prestigious Awards for posts like this. Outstanding, Glo.

Only I don't understand the title-picture connection for Write, Story Monkey, Write!. I remember an earlier reference to the phrase, here or mMdS I think. Have you told the rest of the story and I missed the connection, or is this a teaser?

glo said...

Syar - Yep. That's the color. It's my signature, too, because I've got the feisty temper and passionate nature to match it....thanks for your support, but I would feel badly taking my art from the trash cans where it began.

Mrs. Charlie - Behave Thyself! One day of evil is enough...and if you best my 10 cents for my own works, well, you owe me ice cream!

Grendel - you are right. One evil day is enough lest we then have to instill good day and almost good day...that's too confusing...as for Hessie, it was the process of making the decision that led to much of her stress, as well as the loss of some people who she loved but who definitely qualified as SADA

Omar *whispers* I was actually quoting you *shhh*

Du - Official Welcome! So glad you stopped by again! And draw, draw, draw. The Hessie story, in particular, helped me to cope, so I agree on therapeutic nature...

Scroob *sigh* I feel like I have achieved something important in inspiring future doodling.

Cate - You are my muse, so I always know I did well if you, well, comment at all, and laugh, of course.

The Bluths said...

Now I have a craving for Chocolate covered srawberries to add to my list of cravings. (See blog for other cravings).

Son is asleep, must shower...

jazz said...

these are amazing!!!!!

glo said...

Jam - Story Monkey is one of many inside jokes for a member of my real-world posse. But, yes, there has been a reference.

Bluths - shoulda been me the day I drew it. I had to buy dipping chocolate....

Jazz - thanks! Sorry I made you wait.

*sniffle* They like me. They really like me. *wipes eyes with Scarlet Letter....I mean, Hessie did*

Bill C said...

Waitaminute. Letter... R? I'm guessing it doesn't stand for Random. What, then?

And even if it's like, something so obvious a quarter-wit idiot could figure it out? Tell me anyway. I won't feel bad.

glo said...

Some secrets will die with Friendship Fred, Jam.

glo said...

I suppose I could tutor....at least allow you to do reproductions of some of my simpler stuff....

Syar said...

I shoulda guessed you were a redhead. I mean the feisty temper and passionate nature were a dead giveaway right? *smacks forehead* syar, syar.

glo said...

If you read my 100 List, you'll discover that I use the color of my hair as a warning system...too bad so many people miss the important clue....maybe these pics will help with that....

cadiz12 said...

nice work, glo; though i sort of feel bad for friendship fred even though i'm probably not supposed to. must be the emotion of the piece.

Jenni said...

I'm really going to have to up my doodling skills to come anywhere near these.

And I'm so lame, but I had to laugh my ass off at the goat and tiger.

MEP said...

Yes, CLEARLY G.Lo is a redhead! I love it! Go redheads!!

Jon said...

Cripes!! I’ve been de-linked! I suppose it’s my own damn fault for not commenting… I mean, it does say “frequent” right there in the header to the link section… one could hardly call me frequent anymore. Perhaps Fred and I have a few things in common…

glo said...

'Diz - this is one of those moments where art is open to interpretation. Not feel bad for Friendship Fred??? The opposite is very much the case...but what can you do when the villagers speak?

Jen - quite secretly, it's the doodle I most laugh at...because that's how dumb my sense of humor is...

MEP - The sisterhood is strong...don't forget you signed up to bring the double fudge brownies to the next "Yell at someone for no reason" festival.

Jon - it pained me more than you'll know...but the rules are set and I can't make exceptions for anyone.

Anonymous said...

"quite secretly, it's the doodle I most laugh at...because that's how dumb my sense of humor is..."
Hey, what's up with that?? If your sense of humor were really all that "dumb" per se, none of us witty and sophisticated people would be here! Whoops, gotta go practice my belching skills... use it or lose it, as they say! -And I'm on a real tight schedule with that, I'm planning to take grand champion this year!

glo said...

Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean to offend such high society....as only Jen had admitted to finding that hilarious and even the person I drew it for gave me the elevated eyebrow, I assumed it was a little too, well, ME for the general public....

Good luck in belching. It's a skill I never quite got the hand of....like all other sports. Actually, my talent is being completely talentless at contests.

Johnny Menace said...

i don't think she will get over losing 2 fingers on each hand... that's something an eye patch can't cover up.

cadiz12 said...

yeah, you can't mess with an angry mob. poor hessie and fred.

J Incarnate said...

Glo, sorry it's been so long since I last posted on your blog. I am back and my blog is fully functional. It's nice to know people care for me. *Extends lower lip*

glo said...

Ahem, ahem...let me clarify...many of my drawings are symbolic, lest too much be read into them....my inbox is full of enquiring minds!

Guys! Seek thy gossip in the grocery store, not in the semi-autobiographical drawings of a mad blogger!

'Diz - yes, it was a fun tale with a sad ending, but such is the case with these things.

J'ith - glad you're back...and just in time to save your rewards package.

JM - I wondered who would notice the loss of digits. Poor Mrs. Charlie. Those birds were vicious....beware!

omar said...

Every time I read "Friendship Fred," I think of "Checker Fred" from the movie Barbershop.

Who's with me on that? Cadiz? Someone?

And jon, you didn't get completely de-linked, you got moved down to the other group. You're grouped with Former Intern Andy, Alanis Morissette, and JK Rowling. I'm not sure that's a demotion. In fact, Glo, I wanna be moved down too!

glo said...

*shhhhh* I don't want everyone to know that's an option! I won't have a reader left if they know there's no possibility of a good de-linking, now will I?

And for today's second Dolores Umbridge Moment:

Ahem, ahem....you may get de-linked by not showing up here very often....and that whole other link section no one ever looks at (as jon demonstrated so well)

Thank you for your attention.

jazz said...

hey! wait! if omar moves down i wanna move down too!!!

cadiz12 said...

so is moving down really a PROmotion? man. who knew?

Jon said...

Hey, I’m only semi observant… SEMI… and I’m not talking about trucks… Did I mention I’m on painkillers? Yeah, I’ll be saying that for approximately 20 days… get used to it. Ok, so I haven’t been completely de-linked, but now I’m going to pretend that it’s what all the cool kids are doing. Omar and Jazz seem to think so anyway. Maybe I’ll start commenting again though and get flung back up with all the other hooligans… who knows. I’m highly unpredictable… specially on medication…

The Bluths said...

What is your record of the most comments? Because 40 is quite a bit. Can you count your own?

glo said...

Mrs. Charlie -- ha, ha....sorry there...I get lazy with my schtick figures...I mean stick...

bluths - 40 is close...but I think I topped 50 once upon a time...and comment padding is a time-honored tradition of Blogland.

jon - sincerest congratulations on scoring the high grade legal painkillers...good times ahead.

Okay....everyone! If I can't get you to play nice, then the whole second option will disappear! The reward is for frequent commenters!

However, it is nice to see everyone back in droves. I apologize for being so absent these past months.