At the beginning of each season, I set my Tivo up with a Season Pass for every show I will consider watching this year. Now that my sister has a DVR and TV, we have the ability to watch or record 3 shows for any single time slot. Since the whole process takes up way too much brain power, I have nothing else to blog about that isn't 1) whiney, or 2) work-related (amidst all of yesterday, the IRB denied the study I've prepared for 4 months). So, I present to you - the Season Pass status for Fall 2007
Back To You: This show proved that talented people can make a gourmet meal with a pauper's provisions. The writing felt stolen from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. However, Grammer and Heaton pulled out a dramatic punch in the last 10 minutes that's worth watching for nothing more than the enjoyment of two great actors making art out of nothing at all. Second Chance Granted
Dancing with the Stars (ABC): Holy Hannah! Did y'all see Sabrina?! That girl rocked the Cha Cha! My reality TV guilty pleasure continues to please with its campy self-mockery. ABC is intent on a female winner this year - they have selected women who have long careers in music and dance while the men, apparently, have never tied their own shoes without tipping over. Who wouldn't love to see that?! Season Pass
Big Bang Theory (CBS): I wanted to hate this show for so many reasons. But I didn't. I laughed. I giggled through the sperm bank scene and smiled at the closing line, "Our babies will be both smart and beautiful." So, while I hope interaction with the uber-intelligent will inspire the female character to grow some brain cells, go to school, and value the need for logical expression, I will be watching for a while. Season Pass status Tentative
Chuck (NBC): I love that all state secrets are now translated into the language of imdb. Ability to understand and interpret obscure movie references is the key to this universe for many reasons, a fact that I enjoy and find self-adulatory by the industry that created the show. I adore the concept of this show but the execution still needs work. Chuck is wonderful - cute, funny, and fabulous. Sarah - well, apart from beautiful, I don't have much to say. Her most compelling scene involved her stunt double in a ninja costume. There were memorable lines, of course, including the now-infamous, "I'm working on my 5-year plan. I just need to choose a font." The ending was notably good - Chuck's "don't freak out" accurately summed up the 5 second last-minute reveal. Well done though overall not as wow as I'd hoped. Second Chance Granted
Last week rollovers

'Til Death: It's been quite the philosophical conundrum leading up to my final decision about this show. I love Joely Fischer and I enjoy Brad Garrett (on TV - in real life, what a jack***.). However, the show was decidedly not funny and yet another entry in the "anti-marriage" propaganda category. See, there's a bit of advertising research that says single people spend more money on advertised products than married people. Those of us who believe that propaganda is everywhere have noticed that TV tends to make single life look VERY appealing and married life look like hell - this show was proof in the pudding. I considered allowing the Season Pass for one reason only: I want to support the use of normal-sized women on TV. Both lead actressed had very lovely, appropriate, and normal bodies. In the end, though, I realized that child advocacy had to trump feminism. Children from intact, stable, and happy nuclear families outperform other children on every measure from intelligence to confidence to earning potential (of course there are exceptions, so don't tell me you are one - but in the majority of persons, this fact is scientific gold). So, sorry, y'all. Any show depicting marriage as bad, evil, or miserable must be immediately Deleted.
Monday Night Premieres

Heroes (NBC): Continues to impress. The scenes with Hiro were wonderful, especially the twist
on a beloved Japanese legend (though I think most fans can see where this is going). Claire bugged for many reasons - in particular, the whining about being home after last season's whining about not being home. This girl can't be pleased, can she? I recently found out Little Miss Hayden is dating the actor who plays Peter and I'm not surprised. They had great chemistry - I'm rather sorry the characters are related. Season Pass

Journeyman (NBC): I was immediately hooked by the return of the house from Charmed. My dream house - so happy to see it. However, I was quickly disenchanted by the "my amazing wife is still not as good as the hot chick that got away mysteriously and so I will have to chase after her and hurt my wife/family" storyline - you can see 'Til Death summary for my feelings on the topic. So, I will leave to America to decide if Journeyman has more than infidelity to offer the American television landscape. Deleted
General Hospital (ABC): After I abandoned Journeyman, I decided to give General Hospital a go
- and I was so pleasantly surprised! For as awful as Friday had been, Monday was its exact opposite! The characters had depth, life, interest, motivation! The Quartermaines made me laugh. The Cassadines and Jerry made me fear for Port Charles. Liz and Jason had a beautiful scene together involving an argument, and understanding, honesty, and a kiss! Robin remembered why she and Jason broke up, acknowledged that she wouldn't be with him now, and then she & Liz had a mature conversation about their chosen paths in life. The writers showed compassion, respect for character history, and a gift for storytelling. I loved the whole 40 minutes - keep this up, GH, and I may even think you don't need me. ;) However, I recognize this is likely the honeymoon period before you abuse me again, so my plan to wean myself out of the season pass continues. Season Pass status tentative

That's all for last night folks...up tonight...NCIS, House, Boston Legal.
1 comment:
Spader in a dress. SEASON PASS!
House... the sexiest ass on TV.. SEASON PASS.
Now, if I could only get the damned TiVo to work.
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