Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I always knew I mattered, but really, Universe, this is too much....

Phrasing accompanying my grand and belated entrance into the wedding reception to which my date had forgotten to mention his plus one:

And now I want to introduce you to the most important people in my life.

...Grand pause...

Who are you?

And as you should guess by now, I just waved and happily introduced myself before enjoying the buffet table.


Sarah Cate said...

Wait. You've become a Wedding Crasher?

glo said...

Ayup. What else can you do when you're dating Owen Wilson?

Bill C said...

And the buffet? Good i.e. worthy of your presence and consumption?

Ron Russon said...

Strictly fruit and veggies I would assume?

Lia said...

"Are you from the bride's side or the groom's?"

"I'm here for the bar mitzvah!"

Still, I bet the food was good.

glo said...

Buffet most excellent. I praised the hostess for her choice in caterers...all while she tried to remember the details of my importance, I'm sure.