Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Karma, tell me what I've done!

I rolled out of bed today after a series of very strange dreams involving my life as an anatomy teacher. I felt groggy. I'd been gainfully employed all night. And students can be very challenging. Do they never read the syllabus?!

I drug down the stairs, over 2 quarrelling cats, and past my makeshift closet (which works quite well). My hand automatically groped for the light switch to the nearby bathroom.

As soon as I flicked the switch, the shower curtain fell down and my nephew streaked past in a gross misinterpretation of that Annie song You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.*

Hmmm....I thought to myself. That was a strange combination of occurrences.

An hour later, I did my best tribute to Hobo Bob by hopping on a moving train. As the passengers raised eyebrows at me and my hair tumbled out of its braid, I realized today might not be the day to tempt fate by pretending to write anything controversial.

Well - that whole karma concern - and the fact that I was too engrossed in 24 to write last night. And what I tried to write kept coming out as "and then Jack...errr...the Universe shot some....wait, no, never mind, he's just talking on his cell again...omigosh! Jack...err, the Universe...DO SOMETHING!! You have a gun, don't you?!"

So - nope - no clever or stimulating banter today today. However, if you stay tuned, I'm sure something else weird will happen to me today...


Bill C said...

Kind of an indirect Dear Universe post, yes? Like, from the universe to you.

Sarah Cate said...

Who cares what they're wearing on Main Street or Saville Row - it's what you wear from ear to ear (to ear) and not from head to toe...that ma-a-a-a-atters.

Katie said...

Maybe your nephew should go to Broadway.