Sunday, May 14, 2006

Philosophy Turned Artistic

Thank you, Lianne, for the BEST JOKE SHIRT EVER!! So - I present to BlogLand, the closest I will ever come to a gratuitous breast shot on the blog. The shirt deserved such homage. And - as always - to the blogbuddies who keep me sane - you are my sunshine and all that other sentimental crap.

I had just finished taking the above picture when The Philosopher wandered up the stairs. I figured that as his words are always entertaining, his photos should be more so. Below, the Philosopher documents a quiet Saturday night (complete with quotes):

"Are you ever going to clean up your room?"

"I think that guy likes that I'm taking his picture."

"Hey! Look! I can see me through 3 different glasses!"

"If Spiderman were real, then I'd just HAVE to be Green Lantern."

[no comment]

"If you don't drink water, you'll DIE!"

"Tell all your friends, thanks for looking at my pictures!"


omar said...

Whoa, I thought this site was G-rated? Sheesh.

Bill C said...

I was with you (and him) right up to the point where he said, "If Spider-man were real." Isn't that like saying "if water was wet?"

And "You're welcome. Anytime."

wendela said...

You mean I'm not the only one who drives around with a case of water in my car? Love the shirt. :)

Katie said...

I'm also loving the shirt. I may have to look really hard and find one for myself.

Sarah Cate said...

The Philosopher is very wise. And cute as a button. What more could one ask for?

Syar said...

love the pictures. and I also love that cate used the term "cute as a button" because not only is it true, the term is also cute in itself.

am on the lookout for cool shirts. my wardrobe needs a serious shake up.

Johnny Menace said...

did the old man see you with the camera and slowly uncross his legs?

Ron Russon said...

Yes if you don't drink water you DIE. I believe that completely. Good call young philosopher.

Lia said...

Just FYI - that room doesn't need cleaning. You can still see surfaces.