Last year, I won the annual Oscar bet with Cate (a.k.a. the dirty welcher). I promised I'd be nice to the dirty welcher, but let's just say that she *still* owes me for last year's Oscar bet. All she keep her a cardboard cutout of a celebrity, a nice little sign declaring her love for him/her and a photo of her in a public place with said paraphernalia. Is that asking too much? Really? I mean - she set the stakes! And when she lost? Nothing but dirty welching. I'm calling Guido.
In the meantime, Oscar season has arrived. Cate, or DW as she'll be called (for dirty case some of you missed the above paragraph), has declared her intention to welch on another bet. So....we need terms. Since I can't trust her to go through with stakes she set, we'll need the help of the Internet.
Do your best. The only rule is that we can't spend more than $20 this year. And we don't eat any live things. Cuz that's just boy-dumb kind of stuff (wink, wink).
In conclusion, Cate is a dirty welcher who had better watch her back. And we need stakes for the Oscar bet, so that Cate can welch. Again. Cuz that's what she does.
P.S. I wrote nice things about my sister on my "other" blog. Feel free to read it because she's amazing and deserves accolade.
I like the idea of the lifesized Legolas (or was it Boramir? I can't remember) that you guys were going to take pictures of her with at the Gateway.
Um let's see...make her listen to 20 minutes of a really bad soprano singer...or the person who's singing makes her cringe the most.
If it were last year, I'd say force to attend the 10 Year High School Reunion...but too late.
Uhm....apparently Dem had fun this weekend...a little too much, perhaps?!...or did I miss the sarcasm again? I'm so sorry. I got distracted by the mention of naked buttocks.
Anyway, there's no guarantee that Cate will lose. But she will likely welch....okay, I'm done now!!
VERY tempting to take this conversational thread and run with it, but when Glo found out what I was planning she threatened me with a waffle iron... again. So let me just put in my counter-bid against Guido's. I mean, why should he get all the fun? Or something to that effect.
Play hard to get. Don't agree to bet on this year's until last year's bet-debt gets paid.
OR.... ask Omar to "Photoshop" something showing a reasonable facsimile i.e. cartoon-Cate (provided by you) complying with the terms of her having lost. Once you publish it, Cate's status as DW gets rescinded and you can proceed with this year's contest. For which I have no suggestions. Yet.
I had a good one, and then I read Dem's... and, well, I can't beat that.
Yeah my ideas suck...go with Dem's. I must have lost my imagination when I started getting gray hair.
Hmmm....I think Mable will win...i see much motivation on that one... :)
Totally. Now all I gotta do is convince Glo that I'm hot. ;P
I dunno. This whole "noodles, hot guy, internet dating service" bet thing seems a little one-sided maybe?
More interestingly, though, when do we get to see what the bets actually are?
Well, I say "more interestingly", but obviously the canoodling will be so.very.interesting that I just can't wait. It's just that the stakes have been decided now. So coming up with suggestions isn't interesting.
I think I should shut up now.
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