Decision: I'm only going to throw myself into work Monday through Wednesday. No boss could ask for more, right?!
Abandoned love: USA Olympic team. We suck this year. I wanna be Norwegian.

New love: Olympic snowboarding! I'm *so* getting a board. Prince Charming has agreed to go with me so we can lay flat on our backs and say "dude" a lot.
Boston Legal quote of the week: (Alan) I'm in a terrible bind and need to borrow your breasts. (Shirley) Alright, but have them home by eleven. (Alan waxes poetic about civil rights) (Shirley) Cut the crap, Alan. It's about boobs and you need a nice pair at the table. (Alan) You are absolutely delicious when you cut to the heart of the matter like that.
Motto of the Week: What happens in Mexico, stays in Los Angeles.
Cue the soundtrack to a really cheesy romantic moment that I just can't get enough of watching:
Frankie Valli - Can't Take My Eyes Off of You

I love you baby and if it's quite all right; I need you baby to warm the lonely nights; I love you baby, trust in me when I say.
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down I pray. Oh pretty baby, now that I've found you stay. And let me love you baby, let me love you!
I can't believe that image says "get your cream on..."
I challenge you all to say that 5 times today.
And what are you talking about that the US olympic team sucks?! We're 4th in medals right now! We finished 3rd in medals in Salt Lake City. If we suck now, we didn't suck much less then.
They should give Twinkies with medals. Especially for gold. And considering how a medal will eventually tarnish, but Twinkies are forever.
Mmmm.... Twinkies... And a boss could definitely not ask for more than monday-wednesday. Any other expectation is just stupidity. Anyways, must go. And whoever that last bit is dedicated too... they should feel special.
Crazy-mad? That's the best there is!
Don't worry. The US will pull through in the end. I'm not sure we will get as many metals as Norway, but we'll have a good amount.
Hah! I liked that comment from RaJ: "...Twinkies are forever." Did someone actually ask you if they had preservatives?? We civilians have no idea what a dietician faces daily.
Get your cream on, Glo!
I love the Boston Legal quote - I can totally picture Cute Man saying it too.
This is one of the best reviews EVER.
I have never actually watched the Olympics although I did watch the Opening Ceremony when it was here (SLC) and I can't remember if I watched the Ice Skating or if it was all just replays of the scandal...2002 was just too long ago.
I need some preservatives...I'm getting forgetful!
I love my word verification today - okejt. How original :)
Have a great weekend!
Bah, I stopped watching the Olympics some years back due to the lousy coverage NBC gave it. Skipping over actual events just to show the ice-skating WARM UP??? Forget it! And Bob Costas is just too omnipresent.
Mixed feelings about Boston Legal. -Whenever I use lines like that it usually doesn't go well. Worse still is when it does. Ho hum.
omar, you're on.
so....*do* they have preservatives?
10 things I hate about you!!! I love that movie. and heath's rendition was just....*swoon*.
on the winter olympics...I've discovered the joy of watching curling. it took me a while to get the basic gist (which for all I know, I still got wrong) but after that it was like, damn! those japanese women can...uh...curl? do curling? errr....
they got game is all I'm trying to say.
this love of curling is probably better said on omar's blog. but I like to share things. especially with you, glo. :-)
Does frosting have preservatives? Cause I just ate about 5 spoonfuls...it was very yummy.
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