Monday, January 16, 2006

I'll Get Back to You on That

So, was your weekend?


Can I get back to you on that?


Sarah Cate said...

We'll give you until tomorrow morning at 0937 Pacific Time.

Lia said...

That bad, huh?

Bill C said...

9:37 Pacific? I have to wait until like, the end of lunch? Thanks, Cate. Thanks a lot.

Syar said...



omar said...

Let me guess:

You're a former government agent, you used to work for CTU in Los Angeles. Last year, you had a horrible day, at the end of which, you faked your own death. Very few people knew you were still alive, until yesterday, when someone framed you from killing a former president.

I don't even remember what this post was about. Let me get back to my tape of last night's season premiere of 24.

Anonymous said...

wait... is it that bad... or is it that good? ;)