Insight: I have only 2 discernible moods.

Discovery: I do an unfortunate number of really stupid things in any given day. It's quite possible the sub-text to the new Pink Panther movie is "roughly based on the incredible life of a blogger named Glo who seems to lack the common sense of most koalas, which, surprisingly, share her vast array of facial expressions."
Confusion: What does one buy the 30-year-old who has friends willing to blow $400 on her? Somehow, my contribution seems....pointless.
Rant: People got no taste in poetry! Quality! Learn to recognize quality!!
Decision: What does one buy the 30-year-old who has friends willing to blow $400 on her?
Abandoned love: Bright red, long, curly hair
New love: Soft, straight, shorter auburn hair
Enduring love: Poetry
Polo Dude weekly wisdom: I got pigeons. They crap on me as much as friends would.
Cue the new theme song:
"I'm Chiquita Banana and I've come to say - I offer good nutrition in a simple way - When you eat a Chiquita you've done your part - To give every single day a healthy start - Underneath the crescent yellow - You'll find vitamins and great taste - With no fat, you just can't beat 'em - You'll feel better when you eat 'em - They're a gift from Mother Nature and a natural additional to your table - For wholesome, healthy, pure bananas - look for Chiquita's label!"
See you next week! Same batty blogger, same batty URL! (Final note: I owe a bundle of people links. Katie, SithSnoopy - don't give up. I'm just busy right now. I'll get the the template this week. Thanks for stopping by!)
Well there is nothing wrong with looking to koalas for inspiration - b/c tey are adorable! And any form of red hair is good. :D
Wow, you owe me a link? Cool! ;)
Short, soft, straight auburn hair. Welcome to the club. :)
Neat thing about short hair: if you get bored with one color, you can easily change to another one w/o fully committing yourself, because in 6 to 12 weeks the color will have grown out and been cut off anyway. :)
Even if you dye your hair black, it can still look good. I have dark brown hair. I think. It could be gray by now and I just don't really know anymore! But anyway, I've dyed it black before, then grown it almost out, then dyed it red. You can't dye over black hair, but the most interesting thing happened: it almost looked like I had black feathers in my hair. :) It almost looked intentional!
So yeah, you can pretty much dye your hair however you want to with short hair. ;)
Oh, my hair is currently dyed red.
Yay for hair changes! I'm thinking of growing mine out. And 400 dollars? I can't even fathom making that much in one paycheck. ::sighs:: Blame college, and... and Colorado. Never fear, Koalas are adorable.
"There's no place like Glos. There's no place like Glo's."
"There's no place like... Glo's...?"
You know that whole $400 thing is a trap, right? At least the thinking about it, anyway. I do the same, and I have to get over it. Past it. And then decide.
(forgot) That sub-text? Genius. Still smiling over this whole post.
warner brother will be sending you a lawsuit soon.
$400 presents to people you aren't seriously committed to are just apologies for poor behavior. True presents are little things like books about topics you are truly interested, Sunday afternoons enjoying chick flicks together, endless compliments about your cooking, and always having an ear to listen to endless rants about the topic of the day.
*gasp* New hair?! I haven't even seen your famous hair, ever, and I feel the shock. Well done. New hair is exciting.
I've always preferred auburn to bright red, myself.
I want to know how to get the kind of friends who are willing to spend $400 on them; I've got a list . . .
Isn't it hard keeping your hair straight when it is naturally curly. Or did you get it permantly straightened?
ooh I'm gonna steal the koalas you stole, cuz I'm a stealer and you've inspired me to put up this poem I wrote that has noises as a theme. Look for that around Wed-thurs-fri cuz I have to go to sleep now.
ooh I'm gonna steal the koalas you stole, cuz I'm a stealer and you've inspired me to put up this poem I wrote that has noises as a theme. Look for that around Wed-thurs-fri cuz I have to go to sleep now.
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