Thank you all for your well-wishes (and help) on my birthday! I am very happy to have my little blog back - and to count myself so lucky as to have good-hearted readers. Thank you!
Back to pre-hacking post.....
I wrote an entire post in Valley-speak and you want me to limit myself to only 5 weird things about myself?! Well - here's the best I got....
1. My hair style and color change almost daily. Usually it corresponds to mood, but sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for it.
2. I have my own private vernacular colored with such phrases as "freakin frikkin frell," "freaka funny", "true dat," "hecka crazy mad," "obakaybee," and "worky-wonky." I blame this on my Idaho roots - but no one there knows what the heck I'm saying, so obviously that's a lie. In truth, I think it's fun to play with sounds and that "it's just something I like to say" is a valid reason for inventing language.
3. I am a junior therapist with a thriving practice.
4. Every year around this time I have a recurrent dream where someone sends me flowers anonymously. It's never happened, so every year I send myself flowers anonymously. Hey. Don't judge me. I deserve my little happy.
5. I have a slightly unhealthy and very co-dependent relationship with my breasts. I even "take them out to play" occasionally, but they're very poorly behaved in public. I can't be held responsible for what they do. Mom totally should have raised them better.
Well - that's at least some of what makes me weird. Currently, I find it cool that I'm so odd. Tomorrow I may be in the depths of despair about it. That's what being a drama queen is all about, my friends.
I knew 3 of those things, and I did think each of them made you kind of weird. Glad we're on the same page!
At least you don't do the really weird stuff, like write poetry.
hey 'mar! I write poetry!
but then again, I do like being weird. *shrugs*
having your own language just rocks. verbs, nouns,, what-ever! as long as it sounds right, I say go with it.
we malaysians say "true dat" here too. so it can't be blamed on Idaho.
I have many friends with their own vernacular, and I have one too. Currently my favorite words are wonky and bafatchame.
hey... being weird is cool, u know!!!
You still haven't answered Dem's question.
I especially like #3. Do I still owe you for the last two seesions?
Boys! As if I would ever reveal such a detail....
And RaJ - just send some nice ham. That's all I ask from my "clients."
What's the big deal about revealing whether or not you name your hairstyles?
Speaking of naming them, that reminds me of a joke I heard once.
Q: Why do guys name their "units"?
A: Because they don't want a total stranger making 98% of their decisions for them.
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