Thursday, January 26, 2006

Duck, Ruby! They got me! I've been Memed!!

Thank you all for your well-wishes (and help) on my birthday! I am very happy to have my little blog back - and to count myself so lucky as to have good-hearted readers. Thank you!

Back to pre-hacking post.....

I wrote an entire post in Valley-speak and you want me to limit myself to only 5 weird things about myself?! Well - here's the best I got....

1. My hair style and color change almost daily. Usually it corresponds to mood, but sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for it.

2. I have my own private vernacular colored with such phrases as "freakin frikkin frell," "freaka funny", "true dat," "hecka crazy mad," "obakaybee," and "worky-wonky." I blame this on my Idaho roots - but no one there knows what the heck I'm saying, so obviously that's a lie. In truth, I think it's fun to play with sounds and that "it's just something I like to say" is a valid reason for inventing language.

3. I am a junior therapist with a thriving practice.

4. Every year around this time I have a recurrent dream where someone sends me flowers anonymously. It's never happened, so every year I send myself flowers anonymously. Hey. Don't judge me. I deserve my little happy.

5. I have a slightly unhealthy and very co-dependent relationship with my breasts. I even "take them out to play" occasionally, but they're very poorly behaved in public. I can't be held responsible for what they do. Mom totally should have raised them better.

Well - that's at least some of what makes me weird. Currently, I find it cool that I'm so odd. Tomorrow I may be in the depths of despair about it. That's what being a drama queen is all about, my friends.


omar said...

I knew 3 of those things, and I did think each of them made you kind of weird. Glad we're on the same page!

At least you don't do the really weird stuff, like write poetry.

Syar said...

hey 'mar! I write poetry!

but then again, I do like being weird. *shrugs*

having your own language just rocks. verbs, nouns,, what-ever! as long as it sounds right, I say go with it.

we malaysians say "true dat" here too. so it can't be blamed on Idaho.

Katie said...

I have many friends with their own vernacular, and I have one too. Currently my favorite words are wonky and bafatchame.

Anonymous said...

hey... being weird is cool, u know!!!


omar said...

You still haven't answered Dem's question.

Bill C said...

I especially like #3. Do I still owe you for the last two seesions?

glo said...

Boys! As if I would ever reveal such a detail....

And RaJ - just send some nice ham. That's all I ask from my "clients."

omar said...

What's the big deal about revealing whether or not you name your hairstyles?

Eric said...

Speaking of naming them, that reminds me of a joke I heard once.

Q: Why do guys name their "units"?

A: Because they don't want a total stranger making 98% of their decisions for them.