Well, you met our demands. So I guess she gets her blog back.
This blog has been taken over by EMAROCAT, a peaceful cheer-spreading group (whose name means absolutely nothing, btw) devoted to the promotion of the greater cause of F.O.G. (Friends of Glo), specifically the 29th anniversary of the birth of the Great General Glo.
Our demands are simple:
Leave a comment wishing Glo a happy birthday.
We will not relinquish control of this blog until the comment count reaches
If this does not happen by midnight (PST), the blogosphere will suffer the consequences.
All your blog are belong to us.

Happy Birthday Glo!!!
Gosh. Some hack.
You know, I only came here to leave a good birthday wish, but now I feel the spontaneity of the moment has been lost. I dunno. I think I'll just go away and...
oh all right then.
Have an extremely fabulous and cake-a-rrific day. Be sparkly. Demand gifts and attention from all who pass by. Do no work. Set up a castle of birthday cards on your desk. Insist that anyone who so much as asks your opinion on anything first make payment in doughnuts. Or shoulder rubs.
There. I think that should help you to have a Damn Fine Day.
Happy birthday Glo!
And, first impression? That big orange '50' seems to go with 'happy birthday.' Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm just saying.
EMAROCAT... rat-o-cam? marco tea?
Hey, I posted a postscript (post-post?) reminding you to demand salutes, and to be addressed as "General Glo SIR!" Where'd it go? Has the evil wordver ousted me? Huh.
Ok, you've got four so far, this isn't getting us very far. Pick up the pace, soldiers!
Happy 34th birthday, glo! That's right, isn't it? Wait, I asked a question. Do I owe you a doughnut?
BTW, scroob, that's a fabulous idea. I will be implementing that strategy on my birthday.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Glo-o-o-o...
Happy Birthday to you!
And many more.
On Channel four.
And if you're late,
you'll have a date with Channel eight.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!
lol, Happy Birthday Glo!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, darling!
OMG....Colin....I thought we were still being so secretive....what a surprise!
Amazing to see so many of my friends show up on this day - but where exactly did my blog go? *Sigh* We all know I can't fix it myself.
Thanks for the well-wishes. It's looking to be a damn fine day.
Sean wanted me to tell you "Happy Birthday." Techno-phobe that he is, the whole blog commenting thing is rather beyond him.
Wow, birthday greetings from Sean. That's nothing to sneeze at.
Sean should never sneeze in general - that schnozzle could inflict serious damage.
You know - apart from my love of all this birthday revelry - the fact that the vole brought me a cake is both scary and terrifying, really. Can you trust a vole cake?? It looks so yummy - but this could be a plot against Omar - not that he had anything to do with the blog hijack, of course.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Glo. Sorry, but I don't have any birthday present. But...
We practically have the same birthday! Well, sort of. So, happy birthday to you!
I hope your birthday is much happier than mine. Just don't try crossing the border into Canada at the Queenston-Lewiston bridge, and I think you'll be doing pretty darned good.
Eat much cake, make much merry, have a fantastical day.
Wow, this is some impressive turnout. Where all these people come from? I'm taking notes on how to get due attention on my birthday.
[*coff*26 March*coff*]
Maybe I should try this tactic to get comments every day.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to you...happy birthday to you....happy birthday dear Glloooo...happy birthday to you!
I shall have cake in your honor!
Have an awesome day, grl...you deserve it!
Happy Birthday, you gorgeous sheila.
happy bird-day to you
happy bird-day to you
happy bird-day to youuuuuuuuuuuuu
happy bird-day to you!
Happy Birthday, and let's have a hundred or so more!
Wishing you the very happiest of birthdays!
I don't even know half these people! (Except The Man and Mel and the girls, of course ;) )
I was just thinking that I needed to do a "comment and I'll link you post". Guess this qualifies. Thanks again, everyone!!
Oh - and the post itself keeps transforming. That cake looks delicious, folks. But I definitely need a better password :)
You have a password for your blog? I don't.
Of course that might explain some of my apparent post schizophrenia... but enough about anything except your birthday.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Does that mean you are 50?
Ha, ha. No. Not 50. Thanks for asking. Not even 30.
Although maybe I shouldn't admit that to someone named "weird and creepy." JK - thanks for the well-wishes.
Hackers like cake too, apparently.
Happy Birthday Glo!!
See I TOLD you that 50 thing was ambiguous. But does TEAM ORCA listen to me? NOOOO!
Despite all that - happy birthday!
EMAROCAT: Cate/Omar? I'm obviously not insinuating anything here.
Ooh, X, you smart. I hadn't even come close to figuring that out.
Team Orca?! I am *so* calling them that from now on. That's hilarious!!
We're gonna make it, guys (even without Dem's brilliant display of violence - you know I love ya, man - but really - the missile lovin' - you're goin all G-dubya on me!). My blog will be mine again!
Thanks a million trillion times over. I'm feelin' the love here. Big time.
I hearts you!
Okay I'm trying *really* hard here to leave #50 for someone else but - 29th anniversary? Isn't that just a backhanded way of trying to pad the numbers? As in, happy 28th birthday, then? Or is that some kind of math-challenged foe paw?
team orca! I knew that font in the header looked *really familiar*
sorry I'm late!
in any case, the last teo blog I tried to comment at wouldn't let me due to "scheduled maintenance" but the comment pop-up opened up at yours. birthday miracle or what?
happy, happy birthday, dearest glo! much love, kisses, hug and extra miraculous birthday cake from syar! can you tell I"m excited from my extreme punctuation?! HUZZAH!
X, not only do I not know what you're talking about, but I'm a little insulted that anyone might suggest I'm involved.
Happy birthday, glo!
I'm the worst person in the world for taking so long to wish you. If ever anyone deserved to be made fish food by Team Orca, tis me.
Happy Birthday darling Glo! *hugs*
i'm late but happy birthday lady bird!!!
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!!! :)
Happy Birthday General Glo......!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!!!!!! :D i hope you had a blast... orrr maybe this weekend? :)
My dearest darling! How could I have missed your birthday! I am ever so sorry! Can you ever forgive me such an egregious error?
Happy Belated Birthday!
THere must be 60!!! Yessss!
sorry missed it, happy belated birthday glo
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