Confusion: Nope. Kinda past that. Things seem several shades clearer than they have in a long time.
Rant: You should not “toughen” your nipples for breastfeeding. Erectile tissue doesn’t toughen, but it can chafe. Avoiding damage to erectile tissue requires proper placement and lubrication. Ask a guy if you need clarification. Duh.
Decision: I am dedicating the back few pages of my journal to a “wall of shame” where I write all those dumb things that people say or do that just shouldn’t be said or done.
Abandoned love: Moping.
New love: My birthday! Thank you all!
Enduring love: The chicas. Galpals are the greatest. Guy friends rock, too. I just love friends, I guess, in all their varieties.
Mable’s wisdom of the week:
1. Own your shit, no one else’s.
2. Don't step in shit unless you want it on your shoes
3. Other's shit is theirs... you don't want it
4. Get some sleep.
Cue “the girls”** theme song (Vitamin C 'What Boys Like'):
I know what boys like. I know what guys want.

I know what boys like. I've got what boys want.
I make them want me. I like to tease them.
And they want to touch me. I never let them.
Yeah, I know what boys like.
Come on girls, you know what they like.
It ain't no secret.
I know what boys like. I know what guys want.
I know what boys like. I've got what boys want.
**See post yesterday for details on the badly behaved girls!! I must remember not to let them out in public!
It's funny how some words just stick out. I wasn't here yesterday, so I scrolled down to make sure that I read the posts in order, and on my way down to yesterday's post, the word "nipple" just flew off the page at me.
Then I read about you taking "them out to play" and I can barely remember my name right now.
Yep, Glo - you sure do know what boys like. ;-)
Thanks for clearing up that whole nipple thing. It came up in one of my La Leche League meetings recently.
Thank you, Vitamin C - you have summed up men perfectly. I find the nutrition reference amusing as well.
Pocahontas was a favorite around our place too. One of the ROs always mispronounced it though; came out as Hocapontas. Which we of course preferred.
No more moping, eh? Okay then. Gonna hold you to it. Unless of course that's not what you meant.
My hairstyles, Dem? Why - too numerous to even recal. Currently, I'm calling this one - curly. I know. Unique. But - hey - I'm a creative chick. I'm glad you stepped up there and proved those she-woman man-haters wrong about men.
Hocapontas. Adorable.
I'm just laughing at Tayster...can't think of anything else...how do you like them apples?
Heheh. Your respone to Dem. Awesome.
Hey, we have the same hair. And we kinda had the same week. Only I didn't know about the nipple thing. Which I think lessen the fun somewhat.
Where did that toughening the nipples thing come from? I second the motion!
lol.... i'm with the bluths.
hilarious! :D
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