Saturday, January 18, 2014

Transformation Day 4 - it's getting easier

While there is a lot of discipline in this project, I'm actually finding it gets easier rather quickly.  This was my first weekend day, so our schedule is very different. I was worried I wouldn't get anything done! However, at day's end, I was about as successful as yesterday with the exception of food intake - we went to the movies and then out for pie. Do you seriously expect me to pass by Village Inn deliciousness?  Well, if you do, you will have to face disappointment. Repeatedly.  I did, however, order the sugar free apple to try and contain the Calorie damage. It was still delicious.

Today, I noticed that my partial adherence to the new parenting rules is getting results! My children come faster when called and I'm so much more zen as a mom.  I seem to have a clearer head since I returned to meditation, prayer and scripture, so that's helping me think of non-yelling solutions.

I would have been able to mark complete on all my parenting goals except:

1) Dave came home right as I'd told them to get their shoes on to go and get the babysitter, so it seemed silly to follow-through even though they didn't need to go anywhere.

2)  (and I wish I were kidding here) At some point while out shopping, Ry found a piece of gum on the road and decided to chew it. (so gross) I didn't see this part. As I lifted him into the Highlander, he spat the gum in my face because "it had rocks in it."  I am still not sure what the perfect parent response would be to a wad of old, ABC gum in the face. My response was to yell loudly and (almost literally) toss my son into his car seat.  Oops.

Partially Complete
Not completed

Physical/Emotional Goals
2 ½ cups vegetables

Caloric intake less than 1500/day


300 min/week moderate exercise


Sleep 8 hours per day

Complete a brain exercise daily

Clean hands per CDC guidelines


Professional Goals
8 hours focused work daily

Arrive at work before 8:30 am

Wear make-up and fashionable clothes

Leave work at work

Spiritual Goals
Read scriptures 10 minutes per day

Pray on my knees twice daily


Meditate 10 minutes daily

Parenting Goals
Absolutely no harsh treatment


If I say it, I have to do it immediately


Family meals (No TV, sitting at table)

One-on-one listening time

Limit screen time to 2 hrs or less

Read for 20 minutes daily

In their own beds by 8:30 pm

Home/Finance Goals
Stick to a strict budget

Clutter-free home

Social Goals
Listen more than I talk

Speak only positive ideas


Call someone on the phone

Today's score: 74%

Finally, a special shout-out to my brother for helping to remove my Christmas tree and a bunch of Christmas boxes. I needed the help (Dave has been working weekends since Christmas) and I'm grateful he shared his time!


Gurl Liz said...

I love your chart and your daily score!

My comment about the gum is that your response was authentic! His read is mom does not like that at all! You didn't hurt him I am sure! You used sound and force instinctively. I think the follow up learning moment could be talking calmly about what happened ... about all the reasons you would respond that way and process his feelings and yours on his level.

glo said...

I hope he figures it out. I've become as old and crotchety about gum as I remember my dad being!