Wednesday, January 16, 2008

He Ain't the King for review Sunday

I've been intending to do this forever...but a past creative differences meant it went from being funny to just

So, on to the event. In order to keep me organized for the only post people read here (*ahem* Blog gods *ahem*), I've decided to review blogs on Sundays. Here goes:

So true I had to laugh moment

Omar got a receipt. Omar got many receipts that were not receipts. Omar needed an organizer to keep track of receipt. Omar read War in Peace in less time than it took to print receipts. Omar realized that to be environmentally sound is NOT to shop at Sears....I may have extrapolated some of for the completely witty and wonderful post about the new trend in receipts, see Omar's post "Thank you for Shopping at Sears."

Finally! A version of geography I can actually recall...

Syar is moving out, moving on, and moving towards geographical history.

"Melbourne is now Syarbourne, and Australia is now Syarstralia. Come February 16th, it will become the hub of all things awesome and Syar. Booyashaka!"

A hearty congratulations to both Syar and the globe for their good choices and big changes!

Oh drat! Someone has finally figured out how slow science can be...

From RaJ: "Next, in unrelated news brought to my attention by blog feiend Evilducky77, researchers studying how to improve the decor of childrens’ hospital wards made a shocking discovery. These researchers learned - you know, you might want to sit down for this one, it’s really stunning - children don’t like clowns! According to senior University of Sheffield lecturer Pennywise Penny Curtis, “We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable.” Can you believe it?!"

Nope. We can't. We don't. We WON'T. I live in the hospital Ronald built. We can't accept it. Sorry. The name on our checks insists that kids like clowns. And saturated fat.

How to multi-task while you undertask

From Scroob: "for 2008 I am subdividing my main goal ("Get My Shit Together") into smaller goals. ("Get My Shit Together Just a Little Bit", "Get My Shit Together a Bit More", "Get My Shit Together I Really Mean It This Time" and so on. Thanks for that, k. Very helpful.) As it happens, the result looks surprisingly like traditional resolutions: Get Healthy. Manage Stress. Do More Stuff."

Hee hee. Those are my kind of goals.

Today's "yeah, me too" tidbit

"too many things happening i don't even know where to start... but i know that i really need an assistant and a maid desperately right now" -- ka

Congratulations to...

Julia - for a love story in the happy middle...may it grow and become more beautiful each day.

Best comment on pop culture

From Painting Chef - "Dear Verizon Broadband…
I adore you. Now I can once again sit on my bed and keep track of which Spears daughter is flying her crazy flag today. I’ve felt quite out of the loop. Did you know Amy Winehouse cut off all her hair and went blonde? And apparently Nicole Richie is incubating something other than a human because she has been pregnant for like thirty seven months at this point. And let’s not even talk about Pamela Anderson supposedly being knocked up because somehow, Verizon Broadband, I don’t think you care.

Great Quote of the Week

Benjamin Disraeli
"The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps."

How I feel about Work Today

Fantastic Reappearance of an old literary standard

Saving Private Demosthenes returned! I made my usual semi-triumphant entrance mid-story:

"After several long, drawn-out seconds, the thing got to its knees and shook the soot from its body. There sat General Glo. The team erupted in euleulations and ran towards her charred frame before stopping horror. Under Glo’s arm was a leg.“Omar?” ventured Private Jedith.Glo nodded."

I am so utterly cool in camo.

The government does something good for us all

"Eat pie. Whether you make it yourself, buy it at a supermarket or bakery or order it at a restaurant, perform a random act of pieness on yourself and enjoy some pie on National Pie Day – it’s great with lunch, dinner or as a late-night snack.”–The National Pie Council"

As quoted by Compulsive Writer

And then it did something bad for us all

Thanks to jazz for summing up how I feel about politics right now:
"on politics: i think hill and bill are playing quite dirty. it's not fun to see bill getting in there and being nasty when he used to be the guy that united people. i'd like to see obama rise above it, but as we've seen with the john kerry mess, that is not an option. it's all making me hope edwards starts pulling more support. it's all making me cranky. "

Shame. Shame on you all for fighting like children.

And now for an update on ME

It's my birthday this week, so for all you bloggers in the Salt Lake City area - you are welcome to come to my day of celebration this Friday. However, you have to be brave enough to email in order to know the details. You can find me at . So, feel free to stop on by - there are only 4 simple rules: 1) Have fun. 2) Be you. 3) Let me be me. 4) Respect the no-persuasion zone - none of us is there to change our minds, attitudes, life goals, food choices, or religion. Let's show the candidates how grown-ups behave.

So, I'm off to turn 31 and hopefully recharge among people who think I'm just fine the way I am and choose to be. Have a good week - can't wait to see what you blog while I'm away...


Lia said...

Hippo birdies two ewes! Sorry I missed it, but somehow my Google Reader only registered this today. So either something's wrong with Reader (probably), or you backdated the entry so we'll never really know when your birthday is. Especially since the Dilbert cartoon seems to be from post-Jan 16. And by the way, I heart Dilbert.

Anonymous said...

And if I were in your neighborhood I would be bringing by a slice for just for you. Thanks for the shout out.

Dilbert. I never got Dilbert until I started my current job. It speaks to me. Defines me. Does that make me (even more) pathetic?

Johnny Menace said...

if i bring a gift.. can i violate the no-persuasion zone?

glo said...

Lia - hearting Dilbert is a wonderful sign of professional maturity.

Writer - and I would eat it in your honor with great gusto. That's what makes for good blogbuddies. I'll think of you as I eat my teacakes during phase 5 of the celebration.

Johnny - man, you come out of nowhere! how's it been? Anyway - of course, gifts are the trump card to all moral arguments. In this case, it would have to be a LARGE gift and the persuasion very amusing, but yes, you've found a weakness in my plan...

chchoo said...

Happy YouDay soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm still older! I'll see you this weekend. Can't Wait!

Syar said...

I'm so late! Happy belated lovely! And thanks for the mention, haha. I hope you know you have a lifetime all-access pass to Syarstralia while I am still ruling. ;)

cadiz12 said...

happy birthday!

Bill C said...

I sure hope you had an extra happy birthday, and find this year to be the best of your life.

Or to paraphrase Homer Simpson: "The best year of your life so far."