*sniffle, sniffle*
"You okay?" My assistant asked.
"Huh, wha? I can barely hear. Yeah, I'm fine."
"Seriously. Are you sick?"
"Oh, how I wish."
*sniffle* *blow*
"I'm allergic to my hair." I said truthfully.
The assistant guffaws. "What? Looks nice, by the way."
"My stylist. She used something new and....AH CHOO!"
*snigger* "You really ARE allergic to your hair!"
"Every time I turn my head, I catch the scetn and I snee-snee-sneee---CHOO!"
I looked over at her. I'm amused by the situation despite being completely miserable. "I suppose this begs a question. Why don't I wash my hair...."
Assistant nodded, then grinned as if she already knew the answer.
"Yup," I agreed. "Two hundred dollars worth of hair dye. To save that, I will su-su-su-FEEEEEEER!"
*snigger* "Well, then I suggest you stop turning your head."
I whip around to glare at her but...AH AH AH CHOOOOOOO!!!
"Are you okay?" A doctor entered after Assistant had left. "I can hear you sneezing clear down the hall."
Assistant responded, "I'm allergic to my hair."
Puzzled, the doctor replied, "I hope you feel better tomorrow." Then she wisely backed out of the room before I leashed more mucous molecules on the world.
P.S. I am addicted to Jericho. CBS wants to cancel it for more formulaic reality shows and CSI knock-offs. If you've ever enjoyed this little gem of a show (or - even better - have yet to discover it) get thee over to CBS and watch some episodes so they get hits or send an email. Maybe do it for me as a belated 30th birthday present.
I is confuzzed. Is it you that is allergic to your hair? Or the assistant? In any case, that's a new one. Maybe whoever's allergic needs a cone-collar. Like dogs have. :-)
The price of being fabulous, eh?
That's terrible! You must have a talk with your stylist!
On the other hand, maybe it's just the start of the allergy season.
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