Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Good Luck Kind of Day

At work, I ran downstairs to collect the mail waiting on me for almost a week. As I approached the elevator for the return trip, the doors opened before I pressed the button. A man laughed, "Can't anything go wrong on a day where you have your own personal elevator."

I laughed, too. Around here, any elevator is a good elevator. As the cab whisked upwards without stopping on the patient loading level, the other passengar laughed. "You are going to have one good day."

He wasn't wrong. I've had the most glorious luck today. No phone calls. The Thursday clinic curiously quiet. The doctor most typically annoyed by me accepted my every suggestion without argument or loftiness. The angriest mom I handle sent me a "thank you so much" email. My funding and confirmation of acceptance for graduate school processed today. I made my boss laugh during our meeting...and then we went on to attend to a monumental number of tasks. And the phone really truly hasn't rung. I'm on task to be out of here early for a change. The only complain I have is that I left my Nutri-Grain bar at home - and that's not really worth a second thought.

I'm sorry I was negative yesterday. I miss my parents. I feel terrified that I'll become that classic "spinster" who lives with her parents and becomes a closeted photographer too scared even to display her life on the Internet. But then I wonder why I should care. I've already abandoned caring if I...

- have a life

- do my hair

- wear makeup

- go somewhere on the weekend

- date (Hallelujah!)

- own too many cats

- act my age

- get wrinkles

- ever achieve "cool" (I leave that for Cate to enjoy)

- spend my entire life watching TV

- achieve financial success

- own a home

- retire before I die

- become enlightened why care if I enjoy my parent's company? My parents are HILARIOUS. All of my friends long for just such parents. They are active, informed, intelligent, crazy, liberal, moral, adventurous, and zany. They are my best friends. I miss them when they go away. I would love to live next door to them - and I'm one degree away from being able to do so. (And so, so, SO excited to start school - I can't wait for assignments and adventures and that degree which will open so many doors.)

Maybe that's why I'm happy today, because I feel like I accept where I am. I worked for so long to climb OUT of the hole in my life. Not now. Now I've pulled up a Laz-y-Boy and turned on the TV. It's cool with me, and the elevator seems to agree. So, it's your standard laze around work and then leave early kind of day. Lovely.


Lianne said...

I love how you snuck the part about graduate school in so you thought no one would notice.

Do tell.

Sarah Cate said...

You're so right about your parents - they are so awesome, I wish they were mine and I love when I get to borrow them.

But what is this about "cool"? I'm not cool. Really. Just ask anyone.

Syar said...

Just as you deserved. This is an awesome post, Glo. I'm happy that you're happy.

Although I can't help but begrudge you (slightly) about your personal elevator.

Oh yeah! Garduate school! Would've forgotten about it if I didn't read Lianne's comment. What gives, missy? :-)

Anonymous said...

Congradulations! I'm happy for you. And, you do have awesome parents!

chchoo said...

Yay for graduate school. Non-yay for having to study again and take tests, etc. But hey, whatever floats your boat...or your career. As far as parents go, yours are all right. :) More than all right.