Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The end of a long day

I had a really fabulous time in Arizona. We shopped, slept, laughed, and watched movies. My parents are very isolated in the wilds right now, but they handle life with typical good humor. We found the time for a few forays to civilization, so the Ann Taylor store benefitted from my parent's encouragement and the revitalization that comes from a few days off the work grid.

I'm lucky to have my particular personality. Isolation and poverty don't bother me nearly as much as spoiled prince/princess behavior. I found the change of pace on the reservation to be refreshing. I'll take limitations and lack of education over amorality any day. Makes me wonder why I live in Los Angeles. As soon as I stepped off the plane, I felt it again - that sense of oppressive energy that makes me tired. And then I reminded myself that I have 2 more years here. Once I get my Masters degree, I can write a ticket to any state in the union. I am energized by the thought of traveling the country for work over the next two years and then truly choosing a place that feels exactly like home.

None of that is to say that my sister and her family don't create a lovely piece of heaven amidst the moral plains of L.A. I love to participate in the joys of the children and my sister's sense of humor. They are the blessing pulling me through each day.

And tomorrow, I get to wear new Ann Taylor clothing to work. Yummy, yummy - I do love to shop.

1 comment:

Lia said...

Why do you live in Los Angeles?

New clothes = exciting. I'm glad you had a good time.