Friday, September 07, 2007

An Ebay Fiasco

*sigh* Yet another situation I've brought upon myself: overly defensive responses to customer service complaints.

I purchased the following decal on eBay:

I received:

After an hour of carefully following instructions, the item looked like this:

I was disappointed. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my car. It's beautiful and clean and healthy and lovely - but the application of a carefully chosen decal looked sloppy. The 'N' broke. The 'O' wrinkled. I wanted beautiful gradations of silver and I got white. And now it's stuck there unless I razorblade it off (as I will do tomorrow.)
Yes, I was disappointed. Not upset. Not enraged. I accepted it was my own fault that it didn't go well. I must not have done my research.

I returned to eBay. explanation that this would be letters to apply to a background. Just "decal" in the explanation of the product and the picture I showed above.

I left feedback. Neutral. That's how I felt. Neutral. I felt the product should have been better advertised. I wrote, "difficult to apply, finished product not as pictured". In retrospect, perhaps I should have said, "I'm an idiot" but as the paying customer, I felt I had a right to say how I felt. Comment cards are one of my few true joys.
A few days later, I received this response:

Hello - I saw your neutral feedback about the Expecto Patronum decal and
wondered why you never contacted me about any problem with it? Application
instructions are included, and others have not had the problem you did. So why
should that reflect poorly on me with your feedback? In addition, the decals
look EXACTLY like the image in the auction, which is the original artwork that
the decals are cut from and NOT a photograph. Your feedback is misleading and
suggests that I'm trying to rip people off. I don't appreciate it. I will be
sure to leave appropriate feedback. The next time, I suggest if you have an
issue with your order, you try contacting the seller before deciding your
inability to apply the decal properly is my fault.

Did it not look like the picture because of the way you applied it? I mean – it’s really not that difficult. You’re the first one in more than 100 decals that has ever complained about application or that the decal didn’t look anything like the picture. Which is only going to force me to post photos of an applied decal on my car so that I can prove your comment is not at all true.

I held back on my urge to post negative feedback for you – because I feel your feedback – though neutral – is unfounded and can now hurt future sales.

Oh holy Hannah, I said to myself. For the love of Henry Ford, what has happened to customer service?!
Alas, the poor guy had stumbled upon my truest, deepest irritation - defensiveness in response to a criticism. It's like manners and appropriate responses are being tortured in one of those SAW movies these days (says my inner grumpy old lady).
I felt compelled to write back and defend my honor:

I have attached pictures of the item as shown on ebay, as delivered, and as applied. I hope you can see why I felt a bit disappointed. You are correct - it was likely my error in application; hence I did not contact you for refund. I was disappointed not to have been given necessary information prior to purchase.

However, as you have 410 comments of which 99.3% are positive (I did note 1 with a similar complaint and wonder if they've received the lengthy missive I've enjoyed) I fail to see why you think one neutral comment could possibly affect your sales in any way. Business is business. And 408 positives to 2 neutrals shows most persons are perfectly happy with your work. I think you're a lovely graphics designer - I merely wish I'd been given more details about the process involved, the risk it might not turn out if my technique weren't perfect, and the finished product shown in a real world situation. Feel free to use the photo of the product on my car - complete with its slightly warped appearance due to my (I am assured) idiocy (in your opinion) in application . There are likely other such undesirable customers as myself who like Harry Potter and have children in the home eager to show allegiance on a back bumper.

Please do not respond. These are the facts as I saw them. I should not have to defend my feelings. I am a paying customer - perhaps you have heard the adage, "The customer is always right."

I am one woman. It's one opinion. Be proud of the other 408 and let this one go. I am sorry a single comment resulted in any ugliness.

I'll admit I can write a mean-ole letter. But....(insert rant here).
(Rant. Rant, rant, rant. Rant.)
I'm reading Jane Austen right now. The words alone turn my normally good manners into examples of Victorian elegance. And I notice something every year as I turn her books into actions: my life gets easier. People smile at me more. Families respond faster to my advice. The people who generally confront me suddenly pause to open doors, tell a nicety, provide a compliment. Am I...(continue ranting here).
(Rant just a little more.....all deleted for you, dear reader. And to prove my exquisite manners, of course....passersby ought to be spared indelicate opinions.)
I guess this settles a long-term inner debate. I'll have to purchase a time machine when they come available. Apparently, I was fitted for 1805 and accidentally shipped to 2007...probably purchased on ebay. I can only imagine the customer feedback.


chchoo said...

I have noticed that every time I read Jane Eyre I become more mysterious and my vocabulary becomes more eloquent. I actually stand up straighter and get the urge to make a doily. I forget that I am, indeed, from Idaho. But then I go on and read the comics or some other mindless blah and I sink back to my crass self and let out a good belch. I should stray into make-believe-land a little more often.

By the way, why didn't you just get out your wand to fix the sticker?

Lia said...

I love Jane Austen, too, and I think I'm a similar relic.

Great letter (yours, I mean).