It's finally time. I have to summon the courage to read the final installment of Harry Potter 7.
I've read the spoilers by Gabriel (who has won my CrackPot of the Year Award), the unheralded activist eager to save me from NeoPaganism just as Pope Benedict XV was announced as...yeah, I lost the strand, too, in his statement of purpose. Apparently, though, by telling me that JK Rowling makes some really weird plot choices, I'm supposed to cancel my pre-order (too late - Amazon already emailed to say they shipped it) and thus be saved from a fate worse than reading a bad ending and ridding myself of books #6 and #7. If only I had read his spoilers last April when I ordered the book....but, alas, I have drunk my fate much as all Harry Potter fans. Long live NeoPaganism!
I have a hard time believing the crazies who honestly think that Harry Potter has had any effect on religous behavior. It's so utterly absurd. Were they equally at-arms with Star Wars? What about Lord of the Rings? I must have missed all the Elven backlash. Ridiculous. Preposterous. Unbelievable. Insane. Now...where did I put my magic wand so that I can hex them all...oh, wait...it's fiction. Ever since The DaVinci Code destroyed my belief in Jesus Christ...oh, wait...that was fiction, too, right? Wow. We people sure don't think good since we doesn't knows the different in fiction and real-ish, eh? I gots go practice my sex worship and magicx now....shee-eesh. I am just as scared of internal militants as the external ones my President rants on and on about while overspending the coffers and draining dry public programs in order to "drive out terrorists" abroad. I'm sorry. I got off-topic. I was busy being blown about by every word of fiction. Must go learn magic. Alohomora! Damn. Office door still stubbornly shut. I'm a very bad Neo-Pagan...can't get anything right.
Anyway, happy reading to all fans. I have to admit that if the ending is as Gabriel predicts, I will likely be having a book-burning party for #6 and #7....although I might pull out the cute Ginny/Harry scenes before so doing.

P.S. Loved Harry Potter #5 movie. Best in the series. I'm glad it came out now so that I can pretend the whole series ends after #5. I'm just going to write "eventually, Harry faced the prophecy and destroyed Lord Voldemort" at the end of my #5 book so that I wrap up all those nasty loose ends.
I just started reading #5 this week. (I like to read the book right when the movie comes out.) Oh, great. Now I know there are going to be cute Ginny/Harry moments. Thanks for the spoiler.
Ha! I know what happens in Chapter 1 before you do! Ah, the beauties of staying home on HP7 Eve and watching video of J.K. reading to a bunch of English schoolkids and what looked like Eric Clapton there in the crowd...
You should have put a spoiler alert in the subject line. Some of us haven't read it yet.
We must discuss this book! I blackmailed my mom in to letting me borrow her copy last Friday night (I traded the book on CD that Jr was listening to) and read straight thru until I finished...bawling the whole way thru. It was better than I expected...now I have to go back and read the others.
By the way, I loved what JK Rowling said on...someplace...about how everyone ended up...that was a nice touch. Weird how real the characters are.
Must go watch 'Lord of the Rings'...I think that is your fault?
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