Monday, June 04, 2007

Inside Joke of the Day

VideoJug: Breast Feeding

Woo-hoo! That boob lady sure knows her stuff! I'm calling her for all my breast ideas.

Enjoy'll be gone soon.




Lia said...


S. Best said...

congratulations!! woo-hoo! just rememaber who you promised the movie rights too!!! you rock! even in Japan ;)

jazz said...

you look really comfortable on camera!


Lianne said...

You look gorgeous and I love the way you pat the baby's head.

Great job!

glo said...

That baby is so ugly. Not even its mother could love it!

The Bluths said...

Ok I didn't get that it was you until I saw the posts. I was like, why is she posting this odd video?

chchoo said...

VideoJugs... Am I the only one who is juvenile enough to make a joke about how a lactation consultant is on a site called videojug? I thought it was going to be a porno site. :) You look fabulous, my friend.
By the way, Eli gained a pound and a half in his first two weeks of life. How's that for a good latch? This is one hungry boy.