Monday, March 26, 2007

Credit where (My) Credit is Due

I. Am. A. Star.

A behind-the-scenes star, I suppose, but a star nonetheless. My sense of humor, camaraderie, and general glee were crucial in the making of this film, by Omar Phillips.

Enjoy it.

But only come back here if you're willing to praise me excessively and use vain, flattering words that match my overzealous self-evaluation. It's what my publicist says is best for my new-found "image." Oh *sigh* the life of true celebr-I-ty!


elasticwaistbandlady said...

Your amazing acting ability really shined through the moment you took a big bite out of the stalk of broccoli. So lifelike. So realistic. I could totally tell that The Green Giant has worked out very well as your acting coach. Watch your back though, he has quite rep for 'pea-ing' on people and saying sexist things like 'Ho, Ho, Ho.'

Lianne said...

As I mentioned to Omar, the laugh-track is what gets me. Oh, that and your hair and makeup. Stunning, my dear, absolutely stunning.

omar said...

I glossed over the text here, but what I got from it is that I'm supposed to call you excessively vain and overzealous.

As the director, I will also add that it was an honor to work with you in the studio. True professional, you were. (That is, up until your character got killed, then you started acting all jealous of the face time the other actors were getting.)

Lia said...

Excellent broccoli, Glo. You are truly a born-to-be-actress, and it's an honor to see your work.

Bill C said...

Would've been just another B-grade ho-hum flick without you. You have no equal in the genre.