Here it is. The first EVER sports injury. My coolness quotient went up considerably when it happened.
Unfortunately, while it hurts to get hit by a fastball that you can't hit to save your life - it doesn't leave as much of a bruise as expected. So, the picture doesn't do justice to the amount of injury that it is. Really. I'm in pain. I may die. Any minute now. That's how cool I am now. I may die from sports.
Okay. I'm kidding. I did get hit by a ball shot out of a pitching machine at 50 mph, but it was entirely my fault. I was leaning into the box. I was pretty darned determined I was going to at least try and hit that ball. I failed. But I got a SPORTS-RELATED INJURY. You have no idea how excited I am about that.
Next up, I need to actually play a sport with any degree of ease. Then I will be the COOLEST girl on the planet. I just know it. High school told me so.
Hah! First comment! I haven't been online in three months...this must be good luck!
Congratulations; quite an auspicious event.
If anyone tries to diminish this by citing the "self-inflicted" aspect, stare at them with a mix of condecension and disdain and say, "*ALL* sports-related injuries are self-inflicted. Hello?! Voluntary participation?"
For added humor, take their hand nad make them smack themselves on the head, to further illustrate the involuntary self-inflicted distinction.
50 MPH fastball? 50mph is in the eephus pitch range, in terms of speed.
Is this the same dude that took you to the Dodgers game? If it doesn't work out with you two, could you give him my number?
Hmm, a sport with relative ease? I would say badminton, but you'd be surprised how difficult it is.
There will be on poo-pooing or not seeing of the very unimpressive bruise on my forearm!
I got a sports-related injury! I need to hear some ooos and awws of praise from the stadium seats! Yeah - you know who you are!
(And so forth. ;)
It probably would have had more audience sympathy if you'd moved a bit and got a black eye - even maybe the nose (a la Marcia Brady). But this is a good start, glo.
Oooooooooh, aaaaaaaahhhh
Ouch! I know you're cool, but ouch!
I contemplated the black eye idea, but I can't move that quickly. Sheesh. What made me think I could play sports? I can't. In case you were wondering. But I play some mean Rummy...does that count?
Keep that last part to yourself. Youare INJURED! From SPORTS! You are kick ass kind of girl who should be properly worshipped. I swear, it worked with Patrick...
Volleyball is a great sport...you can stand there and watch other people hit the ball...all you have to do is move out of the way when it comes to you.
It's especially fun if played with a huge beach ball...cuts down on the risk of injury.
I'm proud of you for standing in front of a machine spitting out ANYTHING at 50 mph. I would have peed my pants.
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