Actual* footage from a recent date:

Everything went great until his friends showed up...then it was just mayhem. With elephants.
*Actual in this context meaning completely made up, false, and otherwise intended for humourous purposes.
Musings from a pudgy dietitian who is liberal of politics but conservative in behavior, arrested between feminism and maternal instinct, complicated yet simple, flirting with humility but in love with vanity. In short, I am what I'm not, but I'm not what I am, which makes me... One Glorious Conundrum
love his shoes. not too big on the hair though.
why the exclusion of dwarves, Glo? not to say that I wouldn't do the same thing, but I'm curious to see how that fits in the dating plan.
i hope you have a pretty big car :)
wassup with your date? maybe he was trying to keep his cool, eh?
Just find a clown with more hair. This one kinda looks like he'll be doing the Trump-esque comb-over any day now.
Good luck taking care of RaJ's clowns while he's away. I think they're more tame than the ones you've had on dates. I hope.
It's the hair, Lianne, isn't it? It's just very Glo. He got the hair just right.
And this is why I'm still single.
Mayhem isn't mayhem without elephants.
Hey, that is a photo of me except it doesn't capture my amazing comb-over.
Why, Glo, I didn't realize you were a blond. New teasing to begin shortly . . .
And "humorous" with a "u" - is that a blond version of not knowing Americans threw out the letter "u" long ago, or are you displaying good breeding? At least it wasn't "humerus". Or "hummus", although that might taste better.
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