Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This Blog Needs an Identity

It was a year ago that MMOSW really took flight. One day - only Cate read my posts. The next day, I had a whole audience. For a while, the blog had a real sense of self - it was this satire on life a la Bridget Jones. And it worked - until life got more complicated and more real people became affected by my blog life.

Slowly, over the course of a year, this blog has become dull. It could be that the blogger has become dull. I'm facing that possibility.


Ha ha. I used the "not" joke. Yep, I'm an O-RIG-IN-AL! You saw it first here, folks.

Okay - back to the non-plot of this post. I was discussing the slow downward spiral of my blog with several blogbuddies (who did not deny - shame on them - do they not know that friends lie to one another?!). Lianne has suggested that I need to change platforms and occupy space at I have negated that idea as it would mean learning something new.

And I cherish my ignorance* on the subject of web design.

Omar thinks that I need to comment on his site more as it would spur my creativity and make him look more popular. comment on the commenting idea.

Cate has yet to chime in, but commiserates.

That's why she's the pal that she is (and welcome back - I missed you!).

So, my train activity yesterday afternoon was to write down all the factors that affect my blog identity and create a plan to change those that are impeding my creativity and/or limiting my willingness to express myself. Simple, eh?! Ha ha - I am no overachievier. Nuh-uh. All my goals for myself are achievable and finite. Just like those books on success say....

First, I listed all the changes in my life over the past year:

  • Started telling my life story to strangers (a.k.a. blogging).
  • Moved from a community I loved to one with which I have yet to bond.
  • Got promoted to a job with national responsibilities - and experienced the Peter Principle - it is truly beyond my ability to manage at present. Turns out, I can't do anything at any time. This is a steep learning curve.
  • Baby brother (my rock) got married.
  • My parents retired and put my childhood home for sale. Other family dynamics changed in good but challenging ways.
  • 3 friends experienced major depressive crises.
  • Felt real loneliness for the first time in my life. My core friends live miles and miles from me. I just haven't found a group despite putting more effort into making friends than I've ever had to expend.
  • Discovered that loneliness and stress can lead to very bad decision making.
  • Lost 20 pounds.
  • Underwent a personal extreme personality makeover to become more sure of myself, more fundamental in being and more integrated from situation to situation.
  • Dropped the bitter bitch routine.
  • Became H-O-T and suddenly wished I were N-O-T.
  • Returned to the world of dating after a year-long hiatus.
  • Moved AGAIN - this time back in with family (a very good thing).

Second, I tried to make a list of who I am and what unique things I could offer Blogland:

  • Okay writer if I could just get creative again

That didn't go so well, so I moved onto the 3rd list - factors impeding my success:

  • Too little time.
  • Creativity seems to evade my grasp.
  • Big blurring of blog life and real life - I love all my readers, but from some I fear rejection.
  • Life just hasn't been funny lately.
  • Possibility that I've become very boring.

And that's where it ended. My big list. It doesn't seem insurmountable, but it begged the question in the title:

What is the identity of this blog?!

Any ideas out there? Please. It's for all our sakes.

*phrase stolen from Terry Pratchett's book, Interesting Times. You should all be told to read it. Unless you cherish your ignorance on satirical works. Then skip it. It should be about you and your values. I mean that. Really. But if it doesn't violate your moral code - then think about it, okay? I mean - should someone tell you to read it.


Sarah Cate said...

It is good to be back. I think. I'll let you know for sure when I'm awake. Now - write, story monkey, write!

glo said...

Just one comment?! I ask for input and get JUST ONE COMMENT?!

Apparently - have truly come full circle. Only Cate reads these posts...and while I love her...*sob*

Bill C said...

This blog needs "patience."

Or... patients? You've been known to dispense a thing or two here, yes? Advice, guidance, laughs, incredibly tasty and effective diet plans. I can see a place for a regular Dear Glo feature.

Plus in the tradition of fine professionals everywhere, you can write to yourself during "quiet" stretches.

Ron Russon said...

Well, I get stuck creatively and the magic creative fairy shows up and wham new art shows up. The fairy comes in forms of car accidents, terminal endless first dates (man oh man I am sick of that one), and once it was a cow that kicked me in the head. I think you have as much creativity as you allways have had, just need a jump start maybe. I have heard writing a stream of conscious page or 20 can help to loosen the creative works. I often make weird nonsense designs or pictures to clear the noggen. You are great Glo, just keep going.

Just my two bits, but what do I know?

Katie said...

I agree with artguy. I get a lot of good stuff from doing stream of consciousness businesses. But I've liked your blog for as long as I've been reading it, and I'm a pretty notorious lurker, so it has been for awhile.

Anyways, I really have no good suggestions. Except that I think all Bloggers have identity crises. I'm hoping mine arrives soon.

Syar said...

I get a blog identity crisis about every other week. for me, its wanting to please the readers, most of whom right very spetacularly and probably have better things to do with their time than read my drivel. (most of whom includes you in the category)

your posts never fails to amuse me. sure, some posts may not have reached the levels your past posts have, but you're just going through a lull. all of us experience that. even at your low points you manage to dazzle.

just keep working at it. and no you don't have to fear rejection from me. :-)

Anonymous said...

As the others have said, just keep going! You have inspired me, that's for sure. Yours is the first blog I really got into and read regularly. I mean, reading a couple of others inspired me to get it going- but then I first saw yours on your birthday when omar and cate took it (no idea how I arrived there) and thought how great the whole thing was, what great blogfriends you have and became hooked.

I now have joined the ranks of blogdentity crisis, but I'm okay with that.

Real life stuff gets in the way for me. Keep going! We love reading your posts and comments.
The Universe says these comments are an affirmation you are glorious. :)

omar said...

I'm not sure how I got affiliated with the birthday blog hijack, but I'd like to reiterate: I know nothing about it.

OK! OK, it was Cate! She did the whole thing!

Sorry to sell you out Cate, but I feel much better now that the truth is out.

And regarding my suggestion of commenting more at my site, I still think it's a solid idea. I see no downside.

MEP said...

But you see Glo, the beauty of your blog wasn't always the funny stuff although that was fun. It was the exploration. I guess that's what I saw (and have continued to see) that intrigues me. I have never thought the purpose of your blog was for entertaining other people - I've always seen it as a window into the world of a woman trying to figure out what she really wanted out of life - which is highly relatable. Sure, some of the entries are funny, but there's a poiniency behind even the funny ones that attracted me.

But then again, my blog is fully of political and social rants. So my thoughts could be taken with a grain of salt. :)

MEP said...

Ok, the dear glo column would be really fun - great idea!!

Lia said...

I think I must have missed it when the blog became boring. It's not boring, Glo. That's why we're all still coming. Like everyone's been saying, all bloggers have these moments of doubt - "Why would anyone want to read what I have to say? What do I even have to say at all?" Although I know from experience that once you get a loyal readership, you start feeling the responsibility to please, I still feel that the primary reason for blogging is for yourself - just to get out whatever you want to. And who cares what your readers want! Just be yourself. That's why we love you. So don't worry so much about whether or not you are doing your duty and keeping things interesting; just keep writing. And Pratchett is usually good for inspiration. Sarcastic, but some of us think that sarcasm is a high form of wit.

glo said...

Hmm...Omar just pointed out that I have left 4 comments at his site and now have 11 at mine...perhaps he is right and commenting on is really the key to maximizing one's personal and professional success.

*Results not typical. Testimonial not the responsibility of Glo or any of her subsidiaries*

Kristin said...

Hey I was a fan when ya started (or right after, I think) and I'm still one...but I know what you mean.
I'll follow wherever you go...just lead on, girl, lead on.