Discovery: I do not floss well.

Decision: I am going to floss better. Yesterday I went to the dentist to have a cavity filled. My dentist paused for a 30-minute lecture on cavities and then went to town with a drill. After a few minutes, she stopped to announce that she had found an actual food particle stuck between the teeth. I was grateful to be so doped up that blushing was impossible. Okay! I get it! I should floss!
New Love: Virtual stalking. There’s a story here – but you won’t hear it.
Abandoned Love: Lazy dental hygiene. See above.

Enduring Love: All My Children. Dixie is back, so I’m watching to see if she and Tad are still sigh-worthy - though right now, I think she and Zach should
get it on (I have massive love issues for Thorsten Kaye - just searching for that pic gave me palpitations).

This week has also had lots of other moments reminiscent of the first few years I watched (when I was 8 – so do the math). Janet has been up to her old tricks – but horrors! She killed
TREVOR!!! I nearly cried when they opened the freezer and found his body. The flashbacks have been so nostalgic for me. I remember sitting in my kitchen, watching the storylines unfold – it’s funny to see the footage again and flashback to those first viewings.
Weekly Wisdom: FLOSS!!!
Cue the Soundtrack to dental misery: Dentist! –
Little Shop of Horrors *

She said, "My boy, I think someday You'll find a way to make your natural tendencies pay. You'll be a dentist. You have a talent for causin' things pain. Son, be a dentist. People will pay you to be inhumane.
*I hate that play. In case you were dying to know.
So I understand that that I'm unlikely to hear the virtual stalking story, as we don't actually talk. What are the chances of me reading the story?
Dentists are actually Sadistic aliens with schemes to take over the planet. That filling may have actually been them putting a chip in your brain! Keep your head straight though, I'll see if I can find you some help.
Though I must also bow to the wisdom of Alien technology. Floss every night.
My darling Beloved, who has lectured me for the past nine years on oral hygiene and the importance of daily flossing, once found a "loose filling" in his mouth. Of course it wasn't completely loose and he couldn't get it out, but this needed attention, yes? So he made an emergency dental appointment... only to have the nice man carefully remove the bit of food that had been causing such trauma. The fillings were fine. Oh, how we laughed.
My dentist told me that I could floss and use Listerine and never brush my teeth and never have a cavity. I'm not willing to prove his theory correct (or incorrect, actually) but it was an interesting thought. I have always hated flossing (I have very crooked teeth so I shred the stuff) but Reach makes a very handy handled flosser...I highly recommend it.
I work for a dental insurance company (oh, the excitement!) so I applaude your efforts to be more committed to flossing...parents will continue to give their toddlers sippy cups of juice at bedtime so my job is secure...ha ha ha.
Thanks for blogging a topic that I actually know something about...sorry I'm such a dork.
So does that mean that Zach and what's-her-face really did get divorced? Am I even thinking of the right guy? I can't keep track of couples on those shows...too confusing.
My word verification is jpeaksw...sounds like some sort of code, doesn't it? Wow, I really need to cut back on caffeine...
Virtual stalking RULES!!!
OMG. I floss at least twice a day. You're freaking me out.
Sorry for the novel...just reading thru again...I was going to delete it but that's too much effort :)
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