The weekend was weird. *sigh* I'm a nicer person when I don't have friends - so kidding.
After all of that - I woke up this morning with a 101-degree fever. I'm at work, because my job forces me to be so - but I'm miserable. And even less in the mood to be funny than I was last Saturday night.
Get well soon, Glo! And stay far, far away from that epiphany-crushing KC for all those reasons you know and we don't. Besides, I bet guys like him never thoroughly floss.
Poor Glo! What kind of a job do you have that you can't even call in sick? Sounds miserable!
BTW, being anti-social is much easier, but much less rewarding. Unless you really like spending time with yourself and you have absolutely no need for any sort of recognition or human interaction. Which is not a normal way to be.
I'd blame him for the illness, no matter how far-fetched. He says virile, Glo says viral. Might help build-up your resistance, too.
A legend in his own mind. Hope your bug quits bugging you.
I was going to G.Lo this post - but the comments above were too beautiful to destroy.
That's a big LOL to the crowds above!
Unfortunately - I felt too badly about being sorta rude to leave the post in original form. So - the above comments, while classic, now make no sense. Ah, well. We all know by now that I rethink posts 1200 times a day.
BAH to changing posts. Though if anyone wants the post in its original form, send me a check for $10 and I'll give it to you.
Yeow. Feel better soon.
noooo! you changed the post? that sucks. is that why Dem's comment makes no sense to me or is that just....never mind.
in any case, get well soon glo! drink plenty of fluids and all that jazz. and keep to the flossing regime! don't let a little bug get in the way of your dental dreams.
Sometimes I wish this blog was a message board...officially anyway, cause it'd be fun.
Anyway, I hope you're feeling better...days later, sorry.
Sending ya big hugs (and snow) from gloomy SLC.
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