Monday, February 06, 2006

Okay, this isn't an official post...just filler until I can get the real post up tonight. I promised to be a more predictable blogger, so I felt something needed to go up this here's a spattering of poems I fell in love with over the weekend for the following reasons:

Because I applaud it....

If my fat
was too much for me
I would have told you
I would have lost a stone
or two

I would have gone jogging
even when it was fogging
I would have weighed in
sitting the bathroom scale
with my tail tucked in

I would have dieted
more care than a diabetic

But as it is
I'm feeling fine
feel no need
to change my lines
when I move I'm target light

Come up and see me sometime

--Grace Nichols

Because it shocked me into stark memory ...

Criminal, you took a great piece of my life,
and you took it under false pretences,
That piece of time
--- In the clear muscles of my brain
I have the lens and jug of it!
Books, thoughts, meals, days, and houses,*
Half Europe, spent like a coarse banknote,**

You took it --- leaving mud and cabbage stumps.***

And, Criminal, I damn you for it (very softly).
My spirit broke her fast on you. And, Turk,
You fed her with the breath of your neck
--- In my brain's clear retina
I have the stolen love-behaviour.
Your heart, greedy and tepid, brothel-meat,
Gulped it, like a flunkey with erotica.
And very softly, Criminal, I damn you for it.

--Rosemary Tonks

Okay - real stuff later....about my new-found life of crime in partnership with Mrs. Charlie - yeah, I'm wicked like that.

*This does not apply to me personally.
**This really does not apply, but I can pretend it does if I want.
***Yep. This I remember. Back on track with this poem.


Bill C said...

Cabbage stumps? I'd consider being a groupie for a band with that name.

*hoping this isn't a seriously melancholy post misunderstood by yours truly*

Katie said...

Pretty good poems, I really like the second one, especially because I've just finished an entire pint of Ben and Jerrys. Hmmm....

Anyways, looking forward to your next post.