I have a phobia of libraries.
I admit it. I'm cool like that.
It's something about the plastic sleeves on the books and the weird oily smell of the pages and the strange ladies who look at me funny and that little gray alien I always see in the periodicals....
It's an issue. We've all got them.
Stop looking at me like that!! Someone - quick - grab that alien!
*Stops for quick breath.*
No more going to the library for Glo. No more.
I don't know if our friendship can stand up under this kind of strain - afraid of LIBRARIES?! The library is like my second home!
I know. We've conquered so much together....but I had to come out and just be myself, y'know. Blame that freakin' alien. If you get him to leave, I'll consider going back....maybe....if the ladies stop judging me. Stop it!!
I'm proud of your strength; admitting your fear is the first step to conquering it. And it's so important to conquer this one; I don't think I could live without the library.
Try small steps - like begin with children's paperbacks. Nothing to be scared of there, except Count Olaf . . .
I'm right there with you. Aside from hating books, I don't like libraries after hearing about how there was an unsolved murder in the stacks of the library where I went to school. No way, man.
Plastic sleeves, sure. Reminds me of grandparents' furniture. Or was that the front seat of our family car...? Sorry, where was I? Right, I understand paper vs. plastic but all the rest - Glo. Have you stopped to look around in pretty much any store lately? Seriously: strange ladies, weird smells, little gray aliens? Limited to the library?
I think not.
Speaking for myself, the little gray ones don't bother me. The voices don't agree of course, but hey. You deal with it and keep on going.
With occasional muttering and/or furtive glances. Just to, you know. Keep the alien on its pseudopods.
Regarding the unsolved murder: that was me. I'm taking full credit.
i love the library. however, 'the library police' by stephen king was hella creepy.
that gray alien thing was me by the way.
I was just trying to say hi.
*polishes my pseudopods*
I order books from my computer, and then limit the time I have to spend in the library. I agree about the librarians. They glare... a lot.
If you don't go to the library often then once you do you feel like an outsider. "Not welcome" their eyes say at you.
I have a phobia too, of band-aids. Yuck. They disgust me whether used or not. One time working some old lady tried to give me her used band-aid that had fallen off her arm to throw away and I about freaked! I just handed her the garbage as a safe way out. *Shutters in remembrance*
Come to think of it, I don't interact much with librarians. Only with the books. That's because, on the rare occasions I try to get help from a librarian, I discover I know more about the catalog than (s)he does. That's not at every library, only some of the small ones. Where they hire minimum wage people to staff the library. The big branches have better librarians.
Maybe this is your problem: you've never been to a good library. Let me introduce you to some wonderful ones - not intimidating, very friendly, clean. With nice little monsters who help you find what you want.
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