"Suddenly out of nowhere this thought comes into your head: the worst thing I could possibly do during a minute's silence is laugh. And as soon as you think that you almost do laugh -- automatic reaction. But you don't, you control yourself, you're fine. Whew."
"But then you think how terrible it would have been if you laughed out loud in the middle of a minutes silence. And so you nearly do again, only this time it's a bigger laugh. And then you think how awful this bigger laugh would have been. And so you nearly laugh again, only this time it's a very big laugh, it is an enormous laugh. Let this bastard out, and you get whiplash. And suddenly you are in the middle of this completely silent room and your shoulders are going like you are drilling the road. And what do you think of this situation? Oh dear, you think it's funny!"Series 1, Episode 3 (Sex, Death and Nudity)
And that's why 3 doctors, my partner, and several other people saw me laughing outrageously in my office.
Somewhere in the middle of the best laugh I'd had in 4 days came the realization that life just simply sucks sometimes. That one bad moment does not make a pattern. And that this, too, shall pass - as grandma always used to say.
The bad stuff melted away. The giggle loop had done its part. I came back to life.
Jeff is my hero. Like, I would totally shag him just because he is SO DANG FUNNY. Well, snog at least.
Me, too. I couldn't resist. He's just so hilarious. I would want to resist, but in the end....Steve. Lover of mine. Make me giggle!
I can't claim to know this jeff guy (though, I do know a jeff) but I love the giggle loop. I get stuck in it at the most appropriate (or inappropriate according to whose telling the story) times.
the last one I can remember is me and my sister, doing the shoulder drilling thing as a distant family friend talked about his haemmorhoids and asked his son to smell his vitamin E pills to make certain that yes, they do smell bad.
sorry about your bad weekend love. so glad you feel better. bounced back in true Glo fashion. :-)
*third try on word verification. now, I feel like saying all those things on your list.
that episode was HILARIOUS. especially when they were talking about laughing at a memorial service. it went downhill when they got rid of that jeff.
Sorry to hear about your awful weekend. I send happy vibes in your direction, and congratulate you on your Giggle loop. Hope time heals faster than slower.
That was wonderful! While I didn't burst out laughing at work (that would have been bad!), I was inspired by the power of a small thing to affect you in a big way.
Glad you laughed, and glad you're back to life. It's not good to be dead. No, being alive is much better.
Thanks y'all. Sometimes, all you can do is laugh it off. That's one thing those burly macho-guys have taught me. ;)
This reminds me of the other night when my husband and I were about to go to sleep and I kept talking to him and giggling and he said, "you're acting like you're at girls camp." I thought it was funny cause the next night he did the same thing to me.
Ah the giggle loop. Although I had never called it "the giggle loop" that typically happens to me during church or at work. Ocassionally it used to happen during class and a couple of times during someone else's presentation or speech - isn't that awful! It looks bad when the teacher gets a giggle loop while she's trying to give positive nonverbal feedback to poor nervous students shaking at the podium.
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