Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Christmas Contest

Come up with anything that makes this photo funnier than it already is and I'll send you a mouse pad with an original Glo-rific drawing (see samples via link on sidebar) as an after-Christmas present. I'm serious here. Cuz this photo is already the funniest thing I've ever seen in real life.


girlspit said...

Ok, so I almost fell off my chair and back into the United States when I saw this. FUNNY.

Hey, and good luck with the one true love thing, and Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

LOL... where is this??? :D

merry xmas, girl...

Bill C said...

I'm guessing it's some back road. In Notre Dame, Indiana.

"I don't know his name but his face rings a bell."

Kristin said...

Not tonight...I have a headache.

omar said...

Girlspit?! You're back on the internet?!?

Anyway, this picture is great! My contest entry coming shortly...

The Bluths said...

Don't mind if I do!

Sarah Cate said...

I bow to RaJ's infinitely-superior-to-anything-I-could-come-up-with entry.

Girlspit! Where've you been!?

J Incarnate said...

That is funny! I always thought those signs said "bump" to indicate a bump in the road, not "hump"

glo said...

Girlspit! OMG! Welcome back! We've missed you!

'ka - This road marking brought to you by the good folks of bordertown, CA. Methinks American English was not the first language (ahem, ahem to Dem)

RaJ - fantastic poem. Consider yourself qualified.

MFM - My dating life story precedes me, I see.

Sam - ha ha. Good one.

Omar - I'm waiting.

Bluths - Didn't you do that already?

Cate - as if I'm letting you off that easily.

J'ith - It does. "Bump" is the appropriate sign here. See note above.

Dem - Hump is only used for animate objects in the U.S. Otherwise, it's slang for.....oh, why explain. The humor is already lost, apparently ;)

That roadsign cracks me up. And the jokes? Only gettin' better.

cadiz12 said...

i got nothin. that speaks for itself. obey the law.

jazz said...

classic, classic!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm always looking for a reason.

J Incarnate said...

Feliz Navidad!!

glo said...

'Diz - "obey the law" I'm still laughing and it's been 2 days since you posted it.

Jazz - true dat

M.C. - I loves ya babe. And I sang that song all day after I saw the sign. I understand why it was "mistaken" in So. Cal - but Utah? Guess Utuckian is a language all its own.

Anne - Best wishes on your endeavour ;)

Cate - *sigh*

J'ith - Thank you! That's so sweet!

Dem - Uh. Yeah. I, uh, totally got that. Man. So funny that you think I missed it. (Did it work? Did I cover up my own ditziness??)

Stephen said...

Err, "hump" signs are used for large, rolling bumps, bump signs for shorter/sharper extrusions. Humps are often used for speed bumps where the traffic flow control goal is 20 mph rather than 5 mph or slower.

Just for the technical end of things.

What would have made it funnier is just a sign next to it saying "Warning."

Johnny Menace said...

NO 21 Jump street paradoy? Noone? anyone?

archshrk said...

While to the novice, this seems like a very strange road marking, but I assure you...a hump is better than a bump.