Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Who Needs Real Life?

So, I love IM.

[09:10] Glo: Is your computer happy again?
[09:11] mymomdatedspike: I hope so. Freaking computer. I had to restart it like 5 times.
[09:11] Glo: Weird. Virus?
[09:12] mymomdatedspike: I think all the music files I've been putting on here recently make it bit wacky sometimes.
[09:12] Glo: Probably uses a lot of memory, I guess. That's the kind of thing I say to pretend I know what I'm talking about :)
[09:13] mymomdatedspike: lol! (in response to an email I'd sent) Poet Laureate of Glo's Kingdom. I like that. Do you feel all poetically satisfied now?
[09:14] Glo: For now. But I'm a difficult Queen to please ;)
[09:14] mymomdatedspike: I know!
[09:14] Glo: Pshaw. I'm all that's amiable and kind.
[09:16] mymomdatedspike: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snort with laughter.
[09:17] Glo: No troubles. But I will have to beat you now until you comply with my will and confess my never-ending goodness. That's what Queens do -- that and lip sync to Gloria Gaynor.
[09:18] mymomdatedspike: ROFL
[09:20] Glo: I do a mean, green transvestite machine.

Friends. Free. IM. Free. Friends with IM. Priceless. This joke? So over. But, hey, never claimed to be original. Just funny.


cadiz12 said...

my problem with IM has always been that i'm in such a scramble to respond quickly, i'm often not responding accurately. sometimes hilarity ensues, but often there's a lot of miscommunication.

you girls sound like you've got it right.

Bill C said...

There's just so much Good in all this. Plus it's contagious. What's to not like?

Sarah Cate said...

And this is only a small glimpse into our IM insanity!

glo said...

We are, I have to say, freakin' hilarious over IM. It's like *our* medium. I love it.

J Incarnate said...

IM really does make the world turn faster. It's like, you're there, but not. *sighs* wow, that's too much philosophy for one day.

Kristin said...

Can't IM at work. Darn it. Can at home but then no one is on IM.
But my inbox is always full...I guess that's a good thing??

You guys have fun.