Monday, November 21, 2005

The Only Post You'll Get This Week

I had a busy weekend and will have a busier week, so thought I'd write about the first and enjoy the latter!

Happy Harry Potter Day!

Mrs. Charlie and I decided to experience disappointment by seeing Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In the end, though, it was nowhere near as bad as recent romantic entanglements, so we gave it a shrug, complained about the omission of a vital character and went to Denny's, where Mrs. Charlie made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe by saying:

Good Service is Just a Misdemeanor Away

"I shoulda shown some flashy, flashy to get some quickie quickie."

Feminism Is So Last Year

The Philosopher entertained us for part of the day. Among his classics:

"But I want too much female stereotype!" Shouted when I turned off the Anime junk he was watching.

Even a Philosopher Listens to His Mother

Phil: "Mom, I want to be a Pokemon master when I grow up."
Mom: "Sure. After you go to college, you can be a Pokemon Master."
Phil: "Aw, nuts."

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble up the gobble-gobble!

See you in a week!


glo said...

Sarcasm implied, dear. Will be clearer next time and add a wink.

Bill C said...

Happy likewise! Enjoy the week, and don't feel sorry for all those turkeys on the chopping block. Seriously. They live for that very moment.

Unless of course they drown looking up at falling rain first...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Flashy flashy, quickie quickie... words to live by, I believe.

Kristin said...

Why do I keep thinking about 'Chicken Run' when I imagine the turkeys?

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving!!!!!

Lia said...

I like the cartoon, too.

Who's missing from HP4? Or should I wait and see it?

Syar said...

i've watched it twice. i have my complaints as always, but my shallow self was diverted by cedric's beautiful face.

happy thanksgiving!

*weird, I was just reading a story about a town that makes turduckens (a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey) for xmas and thanksgiving in national geographic. your post made me think of them. go turduckens!

J Incarnate said...

Funny joke! It reminds me of the old saying... "thanksgiving, the only one unhappy is the turkey"

Happy Thanksgiving!

alicia messinger said...

How will I live without your daily blogs? They have become part of my routine - I'm afraid you are going to completely mess up my schedule!

hehe. Hope you have a good week.