In a perfect world, where Cate and I had unlimited funds, we would get each other:
Cate to me:

Season tickets to La Scala opera house in Milan!
Me to Cate:

Commisioned art by Ludmilla Perec
Our amazing significant others would give us:

Cate's man to Cate - a lovely mahogany clock with the Luckenbooth emblem, symbol of true love and troth, on the face.

My man to me - a parade of white elephant gifts to make me laugh
In conclusion, Happy Harry Potter Day! To all seeing the movie, see you there! And to Mrs. Charlie....well, if they mess up the casting of one particular character, we're walking out! You rock, chica!
I give the BEST gifts. Go me.
Airfare to Italy included? Or will that be like, the printer cable i.e. extra?
Curse you Word Verification and your indistinguishable 'i's and 'j's. THIS IS NOT ANCIENT ROME!!!
...Although key ingredients here are romance and language. Ha-ha.
i love that painting. nice taste.
It would be fun to visit Europe...especially France. Although, Italy and Germany would be nice too.
A guy who gives white elephant gifts? When you find him, I want his brother :)
I was a little annoyed with word verification at first but now it seems like part of the gives you a minute to make sure you wrote all you wanted or to make sure you didn't say too much...might be a good thing.
I do miss the funny spam tho.
first off your no pope.. i don't think your getting your pet elephants... unless you mean Hills like White Elephants.. .... and second.. there is no second.
Interesting gifts; I don't think I would have chosen any of them. I will now have to think about what I would have chosen.
I like the word verification; I miss the fun "try to make a word out of the word verification" games people used to play.
yuforo - euphoric
Johnny Menace - Dude, I think you need to lay off the sauce. :-)
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