Foreword and Quote of the day:”So, before you think about hurting someone over this trifle of a movie, please remember that even God has a sense of humor. Just look at the platypus. P.S. We sincerely apologize to the platypus.” --Dogma
For more on the topic ‘Glo Noir’ click here.
The month: August. The place: My apartment. The weather: Clear with a chance of earthquake.
The cell phone chirped. “Glo, here. Talk to me.”
“The car wash. Bring the file.” The poorly muffled voice belonged to one of my celebrity clients.
I braided my hair into pigtails. Screw fashion, I thought to myself with a grin, feeling a rush of newly-instated self-assurance. It was good to have my composure back after a long, hard summer.
As I hit every stop light for 3 miles, I had plenty of time to remember the day I lost my confidence. It was hard to forget. I had written the wedding date application. Then the phone rang.
“It’s not working, kid,” the smooth, sexy voice informed me. “You’re just not what I expected. I know you’ll understand.”
I hung up the phone, relying on my customary aplomb to save me, but it was missing. Gone. I’d been robbed. I ransacked the house, expecting to find the comfort of my social life. Gone, too. Friends? None. All lost to the crime those of us in the industry call ‘Moving’.
The usual suspects had alibis. There were no fingerprints. No clues. The trail had gone cold. Dead as the exuberance I had once felt for knock-off Louis Vuitton.
Topher** called me, convinced that his cleaning lady had sold a story about him and a Spanish monkey to the French tabloids. It wasn’t her. It was me, but I was hardly going to confess. I kept the appointment because I needed to get out of the house.
Topher* pushed his plate closer to me, expecting me to partake of the Bolognaise. I waved it away.
“Something’s not right.” Topher* said simply. “I’ve never seen you pass by free food.”
I borrowed a line from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. “I feel strange. I’m strange to myself.”
Topher** took the weapon I was wielding out of my hand. “I think you’ve wrecked enough havoc. Ever thought of changing directions?”
“You mean, not selling you out just to fund my traveling habit?”
“Nah, that part’s fine. But are you really happy amidst all the glam of your life? What are you getting from being Cosmopolitan?”
I couldn’t answer, so he said, “Take stock. Keep what matters. Throw out what doesn’t. I’ll be checking in later.”
So, I closed up shop. Sure, I still sell out the upper echelon of Hollywood for a heads up about shoe sales and I love a good nightclub, but gone is the need to impress people who can’t accept an Idaho farm girl at face value.
Not long after that fateful meeting, a package arrived. Intrigued, I opened it to discover a box marked “Stuff by the phone.” Inside, I found my confidence, sense of humor, lust for adventure, need for social life, and flirtatiousness. There was no note.
Back in the current hour, I pulled into the car wash. Topher** was waiting for me. I walked up to him, grabbing the top off of his muffin. He grinned, “Screw the monkeys, eh?”
“Yessir,” I agreed, smiling over my décolletage. A nearby worker hissed, “Mamacita.” I turned to smile at him. He bowed a little.
Twenty minutes later, after sipping 64 ounces of Diet Coke while Topher** complained that he had once again been discovered in New York City, my car pulled out of the wash.
Topher** asked, “So, where you going from here?”
I shrugged, handing over his file. “Dunno. But it’s gonna be one helluva ride.”
The car door opened to the strains of Alabama. I shrugged. “What can I say? I’m a little bit country.”
Topher** handed me into the car. “And more than a little rock and roll. Go get ‘em, Tiger.”
I threw the car into gear, waving at the worker who had given me a deal on the upgraded wash. “It’s good to be me,” I said to no one in particular as I sped off to join Mrs. Charlie for the weekend’s excitement.
*To all the people represented by Topher, thanks for your patience and advice. Now, let’s go play.
**Same as above but with more stars. Oh- and there was no Spanish monkey.
Ah, covering for the monkey now?
Seriously though, "Stuff by the phone" - nice. Very nice. I might even say it was "moving" but that'd be a horrible pun so I won't.
Congratulations on the recovery and resumed use of said stuff.
Uh, is that the same car wash where you get 50% off because you were able to read and manipulate the owner? (Yeah, I know that post was awhile ago...) Sorry, just idle curiousity there.
you'll be disappointed to hear that skinny is no longer dating topher.
I love it when you have celebrity cameos. I don't really get this post. you = no confidence = as a true malaysian would say = how can?? (meaning, that's just not possible)
however, its great if you recovered all this "stuff by the phone". you know I'm happy for you when you're happy for yourself. :-)
Yeah! Screw the monkeys.
Alas, Syar, we all have our moments. One great part of life is that it's always changing, always evolving. If you move with it, you get this excitement about life that is never ending. But sometimes, as with Bee at the beginning of the 2nd Pants book, you get put on hold while you deal.
Grendel - New car wash as I moved and lost the old car wash. As a result, my car was FILTHY! But now it's clean again at a reduced price...I had no idea you'd been reading so long....
Jam - bad puns accepted. And I'm not protecting the monkey, unless he comes bearing muffins. Blame Dem for my love of this phrase.
please tell me your going to watch MNF and put another Madden/Micheals conversation?
Most likely, JM. Sorry, but Madden cracks me up...I can't resist. So, whether you are serious or sarcastic, during fall, there will likely be some Madden to whet your football appetite.
That would be my serious tone. I'll be scrolling through this blog tommorow awaiting madden quotes. I think someone should write Madden quote book (Thanksgiving edition.
Will do, then...I may not get money for it, but I lives for the Madden quotes...expect some next post, JM! (But warning that it might be Tuesday before I post...c'mon! A girl needs a social life....)
Y'know, I had no idea I'd been reading your blog for so long either! Well, actually I've only been here since... August, or July at the very earliest. The flirtation invasion post just happened to be one of those I read when I first stumbled across this place while searching for something entirely unrelated. -And now I've been sucked in. Alas! "A woe is Moe!" (That is, to quote the episode when Larry and Curly mistakenly believed their brave leader to be deceased. =)
Come to think of it, I'm tempted to mutter some patronizing gibberish about what an informative blog you have and then post a link to my Three Stooges site, just out of mockery of those beloved spammers, but lucky enough for you, I have no website! Hmm. Maybe a link to Hsu and Chan, game designers? Okay okay, I'm going!
Clearly you don't need Topher to tell you that you are fabulous G.Lo. You only need to remember that the box of social skills and the confidence are part of your psyche that you can conjure up at a moment's notice. That's the uber-fabulous G.Lo that you and I both know.
You had me at the Dogma quote.
Then you lost me at "cell phone."
Then you had me again at the promise to post Madden quotes.
the pants! you mentioned the travelling pants! *sighs in contentment*
and glo, one could say your blog is entirely made up of moments.
grendel - ah, the spammers. No matter where I go or how I write, I will always have the spammers. BTW - sincerely wish you had a site as you have more than earned your link.
MEP - thank you, dear. I had forgotten that for a bit, but it's back in full force now.
Omar - for your birthday, I am getting you free cell phone therapy. Really, dear, it's time to face your demons.
Syar - started the 2nd book and love it as much as the first....Brashares is my new literary heroine! (thank you for the comment on's really what I hope for - to give little snapshots that paint a picture of a life....) to post Madden quotes!
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