Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just so very Argh

9 hours in a hospital in labor and not one centimeter of change in my cervix. I'm dilated exactly the same as I was at the doctor's office when they announced "any day now" and I rushed my parents down here and started walking and working and got everything ready so that I could have my baby.

But I'm home now. No baby.

Am I broken? How is this possible? Does my body simply not work? Is it possible I'll never have this baby? Could I have come so close to my dream only to have something snatch it away at the last moment? I'll admit that's my fear.

The monitor showed that I was "having hard contractions" but then the doctor declared that since I was "tolerating it so well" it must be false labor. Well - okay - but does that really make sense? If you're not mooing like a cow or screaming for an epidural, does that necessarily mean that your contractions are false? I feel like the medical model has made such wimps of women - but here I am, with egg on my face and no baby.

I guess it doesn't matter. As soon as they announced that I'd either need an induction or a C-section or I could go home, labor stalled out completely. I guess I was just playing make believe.

I'm so depressed.


Ginger said...

Hang in there!! I'm a true believer that your body knows what it's doing. Home's better anyway right? Try taking a warm bath and squatting during contractions. It sure helped bring Sienna quicker. Good luck!! It'll all be worth it soon.

Lia said...

Sorry that's happening to you. I've heard of false labor. I don't think it means the contractions aren't real, just that your baby isn't quite ready yet. Kids are sometimes so inconsiderate! Knocking before they're ready to come into the world! :)

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me. It's frusterating. Hang in there.

chchoo said...

Can't wait to hear the complete birth story!!