If your insurance denies a claim, it's not your doctor's fault. In fact, as medical professionals, we can do very little to help you. We see you. We determine the best choice for your care. We write the prescriptions. We document our decisions and recommendations.
And that's about all the insurance companies let us do. Because most companies have now made it against policy to take phone calls from providers thanks to a law called HIPAA that was sold to you as "patient rights" but was really about insurance provider sovereignty. So, I can't call on your behalf. I can't argue for you. I can't even write a letter anymore. All I can do is write a script and send it to your pharmacy with the supporting documentation.
The truth of the matter is that your company is choosing your care. If you hate that, please fight for non-insured care in America - fight for universal coverage with a system similar to other industrialized nations who are kicking our hind ends in healthcare. But if you choose to have insurance and privatized medicine, then you choose to permit the system to continue.
Please don't call and yell at me for your insurance company's decision. I can do NOTHING once I've written the note. It's a legally binding document for me BUT YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY IS NOT LEGALLY BOUND TO HONOR IT!! So, I have no more options for you. You are wasting your time calling your doctor's office.
Get a lawyer or a lobbyist or move to Canada. But leave your medical workers in peace.
Canada is nice. Beauty Eh?
Yes. Very much yes. I'm not a commie or a socialist, but National Health is a good thing.
Also, it's nice to be able to comment on Blogger again. What a pleasant Monday morning surprise.
I have the national health coverage here in Japan. My premiums are determined by my prior years income, (read...the more you make, the higher the premium, the less you make, the lower the premium), and I pay 30 percent of whatever the costs are. I just paid roughly 3 dollars (yes, three US American dollars) to have stitches removed from my head. So...I think all of my previous objections to National Health Care have been thrown out the window, and now I am a supporter! keep on fighting!
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