Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Boy. I'm tired.

In my head, this is a game show and you all just yelled back, "How tired are you?" But I've forgotten the punchline....because THAT's how tired I am.

Work is so busy. School is so blech. Family is so worth a greater investment. And the nice guy I'm dating is so - well, I don't have energy or time for that issue so I'm just ignoring it. If he likes me enough, he'll be patient and show up again. If not, well, then he can be someone else's nice guy. Cuz that's how tired I am.

Since I'm so tired, I only have the ability for an early homage to Random Thought here goes....

I wish the networks would stop "remaking" series. They're really bad at it - they can't "reinvent" a new series without destroying the good (see: Jericho - with no heart and Heather the extra who has lost all her quirky interesting mannerisms and now acts just as dumb as the TWO dumb blonde chicks who dodge unnecessary bullets with the rest of the cast) so why did they think they could retool Knight Rider and Bionic Woman? But I thank them for proving that bad TV is NOT better than no TV at all.

I love General Hospital.

When I get tired, my brain just stops processing. To type these words, I have to think about every letter and tell my hand to move. Weird.

I am so entranced by the book I'm reading that I carry it with me to read on the elevator (see: The Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale).

Dangit. That reminds me. I left my bag in clinic. Now I have to stop there before going home.

I hate school.

I purposefully blogged about the guy to "ruin it" so that I had one fewer thing to carry around in my brain while feeling guilty about having yet another activity to which I am devoting insufficient time to guarantee success.

I hate school. Work, too.

One of my favorite TV conventions is how no one ever believes the pretty girl could be guilty or, if she is guilty, it's gotta be totally justified (see: Kate on LOST).

I had funnier thoughts before I had to expend all my energy to type them.

What makes the doctors think that if they ADMIT the kid I can't fix as an outpatient, I'll figure out how to fix them while inpatient?

Great. I've achieved the whiny stage.

Oh. I know what I need. I need a co-writer. I have all these really fantastic story ideas - unique, ripe with characters, well-plotted....but I'm a sucky writer.

Yep. Whiny and vain. Must be time to close.

I hope we have French toast for dinner.

John Stewart is ridiculously funny. Last night, The Colbert Report was so funny that I swore I'd remember every joke.

I don't remember any jokes.

Happy random thought Thursday.


Sarah Cate said...

So - How tired are you?!

Syar said...

You know, when you typed French toast I was totally thinking of Jon Stewart and then BAM! He was in the next line. Major unagi waves going on here.

Ron Russon said...

Wow, you do more in a day than I do in a year. No wonder you are tired.

Anonymous said...

I would be tired too if I had that much responsibility! You are a busy woman! Hope you got your French Toast for dinner. That does sound good!