Thursday, December 06, 2007

It's Raining the Good News....

Uhm....was the good news really this small when I saw it?

Jericho has a premiere date! Yay! February 2nd. So, if you haven't been grabbed by the show yet, get over to and watch the episodes. The show had great characters.

However, in all honesty, I have to tell you that the Yuck-fest of Emily & Jake will continue while the brilliant, fascinating and interesting Heather will get token nods just to keep the fans on deck. Oh, well, I suppose karma had to remain balanced...but here's hoping someone re-watches the first 3 episodes and realizes that Jake & Emily are less interesting than dried paint.


omar said...

Wait... you're telling me to watch a show, even though I won't like one of the primary story lines?

Though I guess that's true for me and Grey's Anatomy.

Ron Russon said...

I am still stuck in the Andy Griffith Show. I love the hillbillies that come down from the mountain.