Thursdays are unpleasant at work. I work for 8 different doctors who work various days of the week - but all of them work on Thursdays. So, I run like a maniac all day. It's also "meeting day" in the hospital. So, my pager sounds every 5 minutes to inform me that someone wants me to be somewhere else and considers his or her priority to be my top priority. For 3 years, I've asked "the people" at work to help me resolve this issue. And they have - by suggesting I make top priority whomever happens to be speaking with me about "the Thursday problem". So, 8 people have solved the problem by telling me that they are each the most important person on Thursday. Real useful.
And so I run. Like a maniac.
At the end of the day, I am in a complete state of mental fracture. So, I have declared today to be Random Thought Thursday. Here's a list of random thoughts I've had today - keep in mind that all of these were thought while listening to someone tell me something crucial and possibly life-altering. It will make it all funny in that scary kind of way...
on blogging
Ack. Comments. What do I do with comments? I haven't had them in such a long time. Phew. It's just about the Blog Gods. No pressure. And the other is from faithful Lia. Nice. Comforting.
on socializing
I'm not going to your party because you misspelled YOUR on the invitation. I just can't fraternize with the grammatically incorrect this year.
on self-esteem
Why did I spend an hour on the phone with a guy who only wanted dating advice so he can go out with other women? I've got to get some self-respect. But, dude, I give da** good dating advice. If he's not married off by Middlemas, it will not be my fault.
on clinic flow
I wouldn't run so far behind if there just weren't so frikkin' many sick kids in the world.
on my beeper
This comment not appropriate for public view. It has been suppressed by "the people" who think my pager is an important piece of my professional life.
on exhaustion
I wonder if I'd sleep better if I slept on oxygenated pillows. Oh no. I've reached the Michael Jackson phase of fractured thinking.
on phones after my work phone rang 7 times in 12 minutes
I wonder if Alexander Graham Bell regrets what he's done to the American stress level. I wonder if he can be sued posthumously. Would we have to sue him in adjusted dollars? End up with 3 nickels each? Hardly seems worth the stress.
on Christmas music
Just because a song has "gift" in the lyric doesn't make it season-appropriate. Unless we change the name to Happy Capitolismas. Actually, that's kinda clever.
on family
My inner teenager sure chose a weird time to manifest. No wonder everyone is a bit confused. I might as well be dressing in black with a pierced nose and making that obnoxious snotty sigh. Oh, wait. All that but the piercing may have actually come to pass.
on TV
Oh, snap. I'm in love with Dr. Julian from GH. I sure hope Jason doesn't mind that my attention is being squandered during his hour of need. Emily's death was so tragic. But I've pretended to be his friend for such a long time - I'm sure he wants my happiness and Dr. Julian is so very hot and dangerous. Hm. Okay. It's not my 'happiness' talking and this entire line of thought proves that I need a non-GH passion in life. Huh. Well, there's always Pushing Daisies. What's with the puppy love I feel for Emerson on Pushing Daisies? It's the knitting. And the snark. What did he say last night? Oh, yeah - "That idea would make a stupid idea feel better about itself." I think that needs to be something I think but never say out loud.
on slow brain death
I wonder if this is how it feels to be schizophrenic. Cool. But how crazy was Virginia Woolf to actually write down all her thoughts and sell them to the public?! How crazy are we for reading it....
on paranoia
Why does the social worker need to "speak with me privately"? And why would she ask to speak to me privately while in public? Why is everyone staring at me? What do they know that I don't? Why doesn't she just tell me and spare me the agony!
on snarky
I just got an email saying that I "absolutely MUST" attend another "mandatory" Thursday meeting. So, I replied with my whole schedule from today and asked for a suggestion on time management. It's my little passive-aggressive gift to the world today. And that's my last random thought.
Happy Capitolismas? Aren't they actually going to change the name to that?
Rough day! I work with a lot of Doctors too. Isn't it funny how they think they are so much more important than anyone else. We just have to keep reminding them that we are just as important as they are. Without us, they couldn't do their job as well. Hope your Friday was better.
So I shouldn't have berated the guy from the clinic for sending me a letter with all the grammatical errors? I'm pretty sure I come across as a *@# to most. How do you people put up with people like me calling your offices?
Awww you're such a good wingwoman.
Contemplating my own state of mental fracture.
And how much it bugs that Wham's "Last Christmas, I Gave You My Heart" is on every stations Christmas playlist. Ugh. That song shouldn't be on anyone's playlist, but especially not during the holidays.
(and I would have said all that even without the comment about the comments)
See, it's like this: I hate not getting comments, and all of that "do unto others . . ."
Excellent Random Thoughts. I think maybe you should start a campaign and we can all do Random Thought Thursdays.
Wow. Comments. Remember the old days when I used to respond to each one?
Those sure were good times.
But thank you! You guys made me happy!
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