Sunday, October 14, 2007

"Without the aid of prejudice and custom I should not be able to find my way across the room." - -- William Hazlitt

This post has been deleted. I wrote it. There were a few good insights. Then I started to think about Jazz's recent post. She was posting about a coworker who goes on and on about all his problems and she said something akin to "the one thing all these stories has in common is you."

I thought about that. A lot.

And I realized that the one thing all these stories had in common was me. My messed-up life view. My problem. And that shouldn't clutter up the Internet.

I read some posts today and realized that many people who used to be very close to me are going through some very difficult things. My heart reaches out to you. I hope some love makes today a little brighter.




Lia said...

You should feel free to clutter up the internet. It'd still be lots better than some of the other stuff people think is worth putting out there.

jazz said...

glo, if you met this dude you'd see that your problems/feelings are much more valid than his.

he really is just an idiot. you're nothing like him!

although, that being said i attitude is everything. if you don't feel like a victim, you sound less like one...

Carrot Jello said...

I was going to comment, but I couldn't help feel like Jazz needs a shirt on before I do.