Thursday, September 27, 2007

And then reality set back in....

My sister describing Chuck(NBC) to her husband while I sat not 3 feet away: "I think the paper said that he lives with his sister and brother-in-law. That's how much of a loser he is!"

Me: "HEY! I'm sitting right here."

Long, long, long pregnant pause.

Brother-in-law: "Well, honey, let's be fair. Maybe they live with him."

Me: "Not sure that really made it any better...."

With that, I will return to my long, drawn-out discussions of television. For, while I may help children to save their own lives, I still live with my sister and watch TV as a substitute for the human relationships I can't create and maintain.* Long live reality, my friends.

*On a side note, at least I am CHUCK and not Big Bang Theory. I'm probably only one D&D game away but until that happens, I can feel comforted by the level of comparison. Oh - and this really was a hilarious faux pas. Like I keep saying, I am truly at one with my level of rejection from modern society. And I do love to see my sister when she's accidentally not completely together, thoughtful, logical, and considerate. She blushes so nicely.


Sarah Cate said...

Finally watched Chuck online! Quite enjoyed it. But he lives with his sister and her BOYFRIEND, not brother-in-law. Just in case, you know, you want some comeback material. :-)

Ron Russon said...

Living with your sister and brother-in-law is just a small way of slowing urban sprawl. Keep up the good work.

Bill C said...

I still need to catch up with both shows, but I'm puzzled. You make it seem like being Big Bang Theory would be a bad thing. Isn't that show about some way-nerdy total geek(s)?
...Oh. Right.