Things I mistakenly believed before I spent 6 hours filming this weekend:
1. It's fun to be on set.
Truth: It's as much fun as anything can be when you spend 6 hours not blinking under blinding light while strangers push your breasts around and remind you to exaggerate your facial expressions without modulating your vocal tone. Try doing that 10 times fast. No. Really. Do that 10 times fast and then repeat it almost as fast but with a little less energy but more emotion. Ok. Good try. Now, take 2.
2. Movie stars should go to rehab so they don't take crack.
Truth: Speed, crack, anything at all with pep - it's the most necessary thing in the world. I get it, Lindsay. I really do. I've never been so worn out - and, okay, take 3. What? You want MORE energy? Okay....someone...quick...down the street, guy in trenchcoat, slip him a hundred and I'll be ready to go again...
3. Film stars don't ever eat.
Truth: Their energy expenditure is so freakin' high that they CAN eat! I lost 5 pounds sitting. Of course, I only had 2 15-minute breaks in 6 hours where I ate 3 bites of salad, 3 chips, and a handful of trail mix. Yeah - it's still eating disorder territory, but I DID eat...
4. Making movies is easy work.
Truth: Ha ha. I'm a naturally hard worker, but I have never worked that hard in my whole life. I spent over an hour just standing on set as my own stand-in (must demand better conditions next shoot). I stood. They changed colors and inverted colors and moved lights. Then we repeated the process for sound. Finally, we started the interview process. Then we play-acted my job. Over and over again. It was the most grueling day of my life.
My pay for the day? $200
Out of pocket expense? 15 hours of prep work
Short work and easy money for fulfilling a childhood dream.
And now I've got to go to bed.
Wow! Who knew? When do the rest of your adoring fans get to see it?
I once was filmed for a PBS documentary regarding Provo being so "connected," but it was filmed in my own home and no one had to push around any of my appendages. Thank goodness!
The worst part was reliving it in my mind and critiquing my every response. I was merciless.
Oh, and the lights are very hot!
this post was hilarious.
you'll post the link to the video when it's up, right?
sorry for the exhaustion!
Oh the life of a movie starlet.
Congats on fulfilling the dream.
And people wonder why there's a Screen Actor's Guild.
(that's supposed to be a joke by the way)
They should've paid you extra seeing as they got graced by your presence AND got to play around with your boobage. I mean really. There should be some kind of union.
I would totally join that union.
That does mean a little play for me, right?
Does this mean you can get your SAG card? I mean that literally, not as in breasts were involved- oh, never mind. Sounds like you had a great day! Let us know how it all turned out when you see the finished product. :)
They pushed your boobs around? Was it a nude scene? Food nude?
That is some behind-the-scenes footage that I would kill to see.
Poor, poor Glo. Having childhood idyll spoiled that way.
Still, I'd like to see the video.
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