Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Return of Lazy Sundays

In the Mormon faith, we meet for 3 hours of church on Sunday. Depending on how many congregations meet in one building (members divide by geographical locations into "wards"), church may start at 9 am, 11 am, or 1 pm. In some very unfortunate instances, church can start at 3pm. To make certain that no one congregation has the nastier afternoon schedules long enough that even the Bishop stops attending, we rotate time schedules each year. This year, our ward rotated back into the coveted 9 am time slot. This leaves a whole day of nothing since we don't shop, spend money, or work on the Sabbath. So, how did I pass my first lazy Sunday? Well, I....

Shared a lovely moment with my cat as I pondered what to do with my day.
Trashed the last reminders of the events of a terrible year. I've even changed journals (Journals are sacred and can't be destroyed. They can, however, be buried deep in the attic in a box full of junk that I am guaranteed not to need until I'm 95.). It's a completely fresh start.

Improved my mind by experiencing art from various cultures (please note the gorgeous caftan sent to me this Christmas from some much-loved Malaysian bloggers!). This pic originally involved me in yoga poses. Have realized I do not look pretty while doing yoga.

Assuaged minor upset over ugly yoga AND revived my energy by keeping my 2 favorite junk food companies in business for another year.

Cleaned the messiest room in creation. Yee-ikes. I'm never this cluttered.

Figured out a way to display my caftan to marvelous effect. Though the blue book of Haziz poetry isn't working as a display item. I just love it too much to lose on a bookshelf.

Finally stowed away all the wonderful gifts I got for Christmas. Then added "write thank you notes" to the to-do list.

Having accomplished so much, sat down to enjoy the great American sport. (Dem - I know what you're going to say...I would gladly watch soccer if it were televised and announced by Madden.)

Mmmmm....the sun was so lovely and warm....

I'll just close my eyes and listen for a bit. Madden is just as funny without the action.

And that is why there are no Madden quotes today.


Syar said...

You looked cute while reading the book! Was that the yoga? Because I saw no ugly.

And I love that the caftan is perfect for your Lazy Sundays. Who was taking the pictures pray tell?

Bill C said...

This kind of post is exactly the reason why *you* should get blogging awards.

Lianne said...

I LOVE 9:00 church! Yeah! It was a gloriously Loooooong Sunday because of that.

Loved this post, by the way.

Sarah said...

Hmmmm...delicious post! I love the photo of your coke and reeses!

dalene said...

You've inspired me. I'm going to take a nap.

Lia said...

Excellent work, Glo. I always knew you were a highly accomplished woman.

Interesting activities. My Saturdays look very similar, except that I skip the room cleaning and organizing, and the TV. It's all about food, relaxing books, comfy robes, and naptime. Yum!

Ron Russon said...

Lucky. I have been at 1:30 for the past 3 years, due to ward boundry changes.

You win.

omar said...

Like Dem, I also thought for a moment that you were reading on the toilet.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

We scored the 10:30 slot after a year of missing Sacrament due to an 8:00 start time. I fear sleeping on Sunday afternoons. Last time I did, I woke up to find that my Melody had snipped the mini blind pull cords with scissors. You've inspired me, though. I may stuff her in the dogs kennel and snooze peacefully next Sunday anyway.

chchoo said...

I think that now we're all expecting to see a picture of you reading while on the can. Could you please include that in your next post?