Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Nightmare Before Christmas

All year I have guarded a gift certificate to a shop near the hospital on the off chance that I would get an unexpected present around Christmastime when the budget was well blown. That day arrived the Wednesday before Christmas. On my desk sat 2 lovely wrapped boxes from coworkers whom I'd neglected.

I grabbed my certificate, gloating about my own financial savvy and overall generous level of wisdom. I am a genius, I prematurely congratulated myself. So proud was I that I hummed as I crossed Sunset on a fateful afternoon.

The shop was located just a short distance from the hospital. It was a strange shop with eyes painted above the doorway. Not Bette Davis eyes but definitely bedroom eyes. Under-the-bed bedroom eyes likely to possess large claws that can rip out our jugular. Yet I was un-distressed. This is L.A. Your minister could have such a thing painted on his doorstep from the day when Night of the Living Dead filmed at his/her place.

I entered the shop mid-jovial hop and immediately regretted my Christmas savings plan. Dead in front of me was a painting of a doll eating a part of the male anatomy. Yeah. I so didn't think about that one. I just swung my eyes to the other wall....where 2 people engaged in homicidal lovemaking.

Blech! Ugh! Uck!

I was officially scandalized. I dropped my eyes to the floor and reminded myself that despite the artwork, there had to be at least 1 unoffensive gift in this store - even if it was just a discarded pen at the counter. I kid - the sign said candles so somewhere there had to be candles - I just hoped they weren't in the shape know.

The book section nearly scorched out my eyeballs so I stumbled further into the store towards the toy section. Yes, yes...I was aware this was dangerous. Yet I tilted my head bravely as my eyes scanned....

Oh my laws! Is that really what I think it is?!

In abject horror, I stared dumbly at the guillotine doll "with it own fountain of blood" for "hours of endless entertainment." Shocked. Horrified. Disgusted.

I felt a tickle on my arm. I brushed at it. I heard a buzz.

"YOUCH!" I screamed as the bee deposited its sticker. My horror transformed into fear. I had never been stung by a bee.

What if I'm allergic? I thought in a panic. What if I swell up and die in this store? What if the last thing I ever see in my whole life is a picture of a beheaded children's toy spouting fountains of blood from a boney, jagged wound in it neck? What if someone has to drag my body out of this store and there are pictures?! Oh hell! What if my friends and family have to come in here and identify the body?!

At about that moment, I realized my rapid breathing had nothing to do with anaphylactic shock. I am not, it appears, allergic to bee stings. I drew in a breath of relief and laughed at myself a little. Then I grabbed a candle not in the shape of you know and a lovely notebook about famous women in history and their contributions (sans favorite sexual position - but believe me, I checked carefully before buying).

I felt somewhat smug for what I'd survived as well as my ability to be financially savvy this late in the Christmas game. Until I turned a corner.

The lightheadedness and palpitations returned. In front of me stood a woman and her 2 children. Purchasing. Christmas. Gifts. In this awful store. Her children were purchasing...I felt ill. Especially as the younger of the 2 sounded out Need free needles? Ask me.

Now I'm all about HIV prevention. Really. But at that moment, as my sister later quipped, I got stung by a bee and discovered my inner WASP.


Bill C said...

Every time I think my life is strange and/or exciting... well. Guess it's Adjusted Thinking Time again. As for the bee sting, for some reason I'm reminded of the X-Files movie...

But one question seems obvious: how exactly did you come into possession of this gift certificate?

P.S. If you tell me I don't want to know, I'll believe you.

jazz said...

i'm with raj.

how did you get the certificate to begin with?!

Lia said...

I don't think I would have made it far enough into the store to find the candle or notebook. But I'm glad you survived.

This just confirms my feeling that some people ought to be required to be licensed to have children.

wendela said...

Egads! I also hafta ask- why/from whom/for what occasion did you get that gift certificate? Was someone else re-gifting when they passed it to you? Well, at least you found something to give them! I think I've seen a place with eyes you describe, maybe near Children's Hospital- I don't remember. Now I know I never want to go inside. Not that I ever wanted to....

glo said...

I won the gift certificate in a hospital raffle. My first "win" in my whole life, I think.

The irony is not lost on me.

Lia said...

Probably it was donated to the hospital in the store's attempt to do something charitable.

At least it came in handy. Traumatic, maybe, but useful.

Lianne said...

I have three words:

Oh my gosh.

dalene said...

Everything I had to say has already been said. In three words or less...

cadiz12 said...

i am allergic to bee stings. it hasn't happened in a very long time, but from what i recall it is extremely NOT fun.

at least now you've made use of the gift certificate and can have a safer backup plan.

Kristin said...

Gasp! Still...laughing...can't breathe!
Oh my!
Good for you for not wasting a well-won gift certificate!
Gotta go wash those mental images outta my head!

Sarah said...

Hysterical! The things we will endure for "free!" I'm glad you aren't allergic and didn't end up on the 8 o'clock news! Isn't it amazing how images like that just sear themselves into your brain? It was freaky enough just to read about it - your poor head!