Sunday, October 15, 2006

When You Know You Need Younger Writers...

On Numbers, Friday night...

Man, under 30 years old, opens jacket to reveal wire. His friend is being recorded during the big confession.

Friend, also under 30 years old: Ah, man! No! pulls gun Give it to me! Give me the tape!

Everyone under 30 in the audience: The wha?! Did he say....nah...he did not....does he think he has a tape recorder under there?

Quick. Someone. Find that writer and introduce him to the wonderful world of wireless. His grandkids musta failed him.


Bill C said...

Probably talking about Duct tape which would then be used to bind wired friend so gun-toter could recover the wireless-enabled Playskool tape recorder from bound friend's toy closet.

Sarah Cate said...

Darn. Back onto the movies-to-see list it goes.

Word Verification: an extra-letters version of WTF