Tuesday, October 10, 2006

No Reports of Gender Bias Here!

I called my dad on Sunday and we had the following conversation:

Me: Hey dad! Did you see the end of the Eagles game? It was fantastic.

*long pause*

Dad: Why are you watching football?

I closed my eyes for a long moment as I offered the God grant me patience prayer...What is it about me that makes it so foreign that I watch football regularly? Is it not possible that a woman who dresses well, likes pedicures, and attends art functions could ALSO enjoy a good rumble? Remember, please, world-at-large, that the Latin word for ME is conundrati...

Me (offering the same explanation I have offered to hundreds of people throughout time): Because I like football. I have a hard time following it live, but I really enjoy when it's filmed well so that I can see the action, hear the plays, and make fun of the announcers.

*Dad chuckles, pauses, then gets excited*

Dad: Well - you'd better not miss the Bears! They're really on this season.

Me: So I hear. They're on next, Monday, right?

*sound of my Dad hitting the floor as my mom dials 9-1-1*


Bill C said...

There's this one completely unique, dimensionless point in space-time. From any given perspective it appears either perfectly balanced or irreconcilably opposed. Sometimes both.

I believe you're standing on that point. Or possibly you *are* that point. This is of course a puzzling yet ultimately good thing.

And you could do worse than Starbuck blond.

Anonymous said...

I like football too. As in soccer. Thankfully, there's nothing obviously anti-sport about me, and when I was hyped up about it was during the World Cup where everyone else was hyped up about it too. But my dad's not into sports, and most of my guy friends are ambivalent, so I have no one to impress with my game watching skills. Making fun of the commentators is the best part.

HAIR! I've been wanting to do something to mine for eons. I've just let it grow out and out and out since last year, leaving it to fester until I have some idea what to do with it. I'm going back to perpetual ponytail country, and it ain't pretty. Make sure there are pictures of the transformation!

Bill C said...

So, Glo - take some anti-advice from Syar: don't let your hair fester; it ain't pretty.


Hey she said it not me.

Anonymous said...

what? what? I didn't insult YOUR hair or anything Glo. I didn't. Especially not now when its max lush. I'm so confused as to why Jam is laughing.