The Final Dating Rule
1. Don't plan on it.
2. Don't think/dream about it.
3. Don't analyze it.
4. Recite your mantra: What IS, is. What ISN'T, isn't.
5. Live the IS, ignore the ISN'T. long last....
6. Keep forward momentum: While the one you're with may stop chasing, the next batch will appear around the bend. Keep your feet moving. The right guy will fall into step. If you find yourself reversing direction, the relationship is dead. Above all else, remember this: Keep forward momentum. I stole this from a CSI: episode, but it really applies - choose any direction as long as it's moving forward. I can tell you - I'm already back to being me. Once again, the dating rules hold true - now if I could only live them consistently....stay tuned...I really will be on Oprah one day...
*"That" would be the lengthy day's thought process where I broke every dating rule and eventually realized that I had turned into that whiny, begging chick I despise but that every woman has the potential to become. So, I asked myself, "Where did that chick emerge? What happened just before?" And ta-da! The sixth rule was revealed. Never, ever, ever change direction. Lesson learned.
Brought to you by Glo: Learning the hard way so she'll have something to blog...
Blog God Awards commence in T-10 hours and 48 minutes...give or take a few whenevers
good job, glo. stick with it; the right one will accept you and your ways. in my case, H knows how to navigate the crazy. and it took a very long while to find him.
true dat girl.
Thanks, ladies! I love seeing you around here again - yes, I realize I've been more than absent in the comment strands. Your loyalty will be rewarded, of course - that's what the Blog Gods are all about...
Have you ever read the book, I think it's called, "He's Just Not That Into You."
I would have saved a lot of time and heartache if I just could have figured out the guy code and seen that they were just not that into me.
Jazzy Girl with the great cleavage said, "Tru Dat." One train leaves and another comes along.
I was told to be here at 8:05.
Me, too. It is now WAY past 8:05. Where are the Blog Gods?!
yeah. me too
I feel like the "Blog God" has called us all here at 8:05 so it can kill us all.
It's like being in the movie "Clue" or something.
Great. Now I'm mad AND scared. Thanks, Tayster.
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