Thursday, April 13, 2006

So..uhm...yeah. I'm scared.

I post this because I can't get it out of my head...

I wasn't feeling well last night. My allergies were acting up, I'd had the flu, I was upset (see yesterday's post) and I couldn't sleep.

I left the apartment around 10:30 to get medicine. As I left, 3 guys were in the parking garage area downstairs. I didn't pay attention to them. The guys went to their cars. I went to mine. No big.

As I backed up, one car pulled behind me. The other blocked my way out of the parking area. The third backed into the garage area and sat there. I could see them all talking on headset phones. Then the one behind me and the one in front moved in to crunch my bumpers - not damaging, but making it so I couldn't move. The one to my side backed up further. I thought he was going to ram me, so I laid on my horn and pulled out my cell to call 9-11

They didn't move. By the grace of God, someone came home right then. The car pulled up to the garages and the 3 cars moved so that he could get into the garage. I flew around them, went to Sav-On and called the police.

By the time I got home, no one was there. I keep telling myself I was overreacting. That it was a series of mistakes - back guy got too close. Front guy not paying attention. Side guy stuck in the garage area. But I'm freaked.

So - in case I go missing - the guy in front of me drove a black Mistubishi. I wrote down his license plate in the notebook I keep in my purse and sent it to Mrs. Charlie. So - at least there will be justice, right?!

Okay. Have truly entered the world of paranoia. Even Scully can't save me now. *deep breathing*

This is the second time in a few months that I have felt physically threatened. First - I get pushed against a wall and molested in a club - it took me quite a while to break free. Now - I have weirdness in a parking lot. I've never been scared to be a woman. I'm smart, sassy, strong...but all of a sudden, I wish I weren't without big male protectors.

I'm really upset right now. I have always been careless about my surroundings. I joke all the time that I'm so invisible that even bugs don't hurt me. Am I not now?! Is part of this new-found damned hotness the fact that I have to be more aware of bad people?! Once again - don't like it. I feel very, very vulnerable.

But I'm overreacting, right?! Just feeling paranoid. Everything is perfectly fine. It was just weird. Not real. Just weird.


omar said...

1) Good that you're OK, though shaken up.

2) Sorry that you're shaken up, it's understandable.

3) Nice move getting the make and plate number.

4) I know a guy who will work for cheap, and he'll stick by you all day. Though hobo bob's makeup does kind of take his "intimidating" vibe away...

glo said...

Tell him he'll have to get his own medical insurance, but I can pay him in mini liquor bottles...

Katie said...

Trust your instincts. If they were saying that something was wrong, then something could have been. It's never a bad thing to be careful.

On that note, I'm paranoid because:
1) My little sister was sexually molested.


2) There has been a lot of rape in Colorado, in fact, two right around where my sister, and eventually myself, go to school

I think it's sad that you should be afraid, but at the same time, I don't know, it's just good to be careful. On that note, I hope it was just paranoia.

A said...

This is scary even to read about, I can't imagine what it must have been like for you. Glad you are ok and like katie said, I hope it was nothing but still be careful.

wendela said...

Somehow I totally missed this post and I'm geting to it late, but glad you're okay. I was at first thinking it was a dream- as I went on, saw it wasn't. Being with your sis and family sounds safer. Omar's right- good you took down car info.

(Seriousness aside...) Hobo Bob may be too tipsy to be of much help. However, if Omar's willing to give the vole a new gig, I think there's your rodent of destruction that will save you from any bad guys.

Ron Russon said...

Scarey. I hope hotness doesn't come at a price. I will be happy to thump thugs for you, I work for sandwiches.