In the past 24 hours, 3 people have stopped me to comment on my weight loss. Now - this is funny - because I lost the majority of weight 3 months ago. I stopped my efforts to let my body adjust (I'm a dietitian, I do stuff like that) and now I've resumed. I'm down another 5 pounds, but it seems like it was these 5 of the 20 that people really noticed.
Everyone is asking what I'm doing. Well...I don't dare tell them. I'm a dietitian. I should proudly declare that the key to dieting for me was rutabaga or asparagus or .... cabbage soup at the least!
But it wasn't.
The secret to dieting succes for me........
..........................ICE CREAM!!!
When I started, I used Jenny Craig. And I noticed that I hated eating dinner. All I wanted was the sweet part. Otherwise, I just ate because I had to. So - I thought - I'm a dietitian, right?! I could easily swap out these Calories for a larger portion of sweets, reapportion the fruits and vegetables to eat them earlier, and eliminate dinner altogether!
And that's when I came up with the best diet ever....
................ICE CREAM FOR DINNER.................
So, here is what I eat every day. And it works for me. It may not for anyone else, but if you want to know my secret, here it is:
Morning: 6 ounces fat free soy milk and 1 cup cold cereal
Snack: 1 piece of fruit plus 1/2 cup fat-free, low sugar yogurt or cottage cheese
Lunch: A weight watchers, Lean Cuisine, or Healthy Choice meal plus 1 cup vegetables and 3-4 pieces of chocolate (kisses or part of a chocolate bar)
Snack: 1 piece of fruit plus a light cheese stick
Dinner: 1 cup of "light" ice cream or 1/2 cup of "regular" ice cream
I ran it through my nutrition analysis software and it comes out to exactly 1201 Calories. It provides 57 g Protein (which meets my daily requirement of 0.8 grams per kilogram lean weight) and only 19% of Calories from fat. Unfortunately - because it's so low in Calories, it's low in vitamins and minerals, but that's why I take a multivitamin daily.
So - there you have it. My dieting breakthrough. I eat a lot of dairy and I exercise (20 minutes a day plus 45 minutes of pilates or yoga 3-4 times per week). It may not work for you, but I'm happy with it - and, while I'm hungry, I don't feel deprived or desperate.
I'm not sure why I blogged it, but - hey - I'm dieting. Food obsession is part of the process.
Excellent. Now it's time to write a book and do the circut. If Oprah mentions it you can retire to Sunny Idaho on the royalties.
MMMMMmmmmm.....sweet sweet ice creammm...mmmmmmm
Awesomeness! I already do the ice cream thing! Now all I have to do is add the healthy bits. And the exercise.
Hmmmm. I sense a snafu.
I have about 15lbs to go, so...maybe it's time I send that snafu packing.
I'm all for the book deal! Go Glo!
What flavor(s)? And what about toppings?
I love ice cream. And I love your diet.
Ice cream for dinner and 20lb weight loss? You are truly my hero.
I was joking with my sister about writing a book entitled "A Junk Food a Day - Your Guide to Modern Weight Loss" - but I still have a long way to go before anyone will see me as not just needing to read my own book more often...
I don't think you have that far to go. Have you read some of the diet books out there? They seem like a depository of bad motivational speakers that couldn't get a corporate speaking gig. You got em beat hands down.
Without changing what I'm eating (just changing quantity), I decided I was going to count calories and see what happened. 1500-1700 was my goal. Three weeks later, 10 pounds gone. Without changing any activity (or rather, inactivity) levels. I had to quit though, because have you ever seen how small one serving of cereal is?
Oh, and also, I pictured you wearing a lab coat (with a pocket protector) and pushing up on the bridge of your glasses with your index finger while saying "I ran it through my nutrition analysis software..."
I use chocolate instead of ice cream - and heck, it works! I dunno if choco's nutritional content is as decent as ice cream's, but I've lost 25 lbs in the past few years so I'm stickin' to it! :)
Congrats on the weightloss - and on the compliments!
You are my diet guru.
I can't eat ice cream for dinner - lactose intolerant and all - but other than that, the rest of the day looks pretty similar. I've started bringing sandwiches or grilled chicken for lunch but I know the exact nutritional consumption of each one.
I've learned that I love grapefruit and celery with natural peanut butter...cottage cheese too, except I have to stop putting salt on sodium intake is waaay too high.
Anyway, good timing on this one...I have to get my butt in gear...I'm 28 with high cholesterol and waay too many extra pounds.
Thanks for sharing :)
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